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@holyjak This is the room for the Austin Clojure meetup. We don't use it quite as much as before

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@staypufd Hey Sam! Jakub is going to be giving us a remote talk this month. He'll send the exact topic shortly, but it'll be a good one to bring some people in, especially if we go back to meeting in person in May


@mlimotte tentatively offered for Skipp to offer some pizza or something when we go back in person, but I'm sure that will be contingent on us getting our act together with topics and firm schedules for the next couple month


I'm going to be out dealing with car issues, but we can chat later tonight if you have time


Sounds good


I’m gonna be in Austin from Sunday April 10 through Sun April 17th. I’ll have my wife and dog with me. Would love to meet up and do dinner somewhere outside that allows dogs if people want to meet up


Hey Dan. Many dog friendly places here. I'd be up for connecting over dinner. I'll check my calendar and make some recommendations. Where are you traveling from?


lafayette louisiana. We’re gonna have an airbnb on the east side. But always happy to eat good tacos, terry black bbq, pizza, whatever. and would love to meet up a few people


Nice. We just drove through Lafayette on our way to NOLA a couple of weeks ago.


I (+ dogs and wife) can do the Weekend of the 15th. Friday or Saturday.


Anyone else from the community in?


I’d love to join in as well


I saw there's a meet on the 11th? Maybe I can get dropped off and they can join us after for dinner


This meet will be a virtual one. Next month (May) is planned for first in-person meetup in a while.


Hey Cam, glad you can join us.


@U11BV7MTK Do you prefer a weekend or weekday? Maybe Wednesday or Friday evening?


doesn’t matter to me. easier to eat at restaurants during the week i guess


@U0CV48L87 WHat’s open for you?


@mlimotte Sorry for dropping the ball here. I’m available most evenings / weekends. The weekend of the 15th works great. Can’t do the evening of the 19th or 20th, but otherwise free in the evenings the 12th-22nd. Since you and @U11BV7MTK are on the East Side, I’d suggest Il Brutto, Via 313, Whistler’s—all kinds of good options over there!


All good options. I’d vote for Whistler’s. Lazarus is another option, or back up as I know it’s dog friendly. Luckily these places are all in the same general area and walkable from each other.


It's been a long time since I've chatted in here but Marc reminded me of it. I'd be happy to meet up and chat about Clojure and such pretty much anytime.


Let's start a new thread and pick a night that works for the most people


I'd love to meet up


Would a 5pm start for the 4/11 meeting work for people? Time zones are a little rough to match up, but given that this is online I think it's not much a stretch to move from 6:30 to 5:00 for this month for an awesome talk.

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