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Jungin Kwon01:11:17

I am setting up clj-kondo for I keep getting ::Unresolved var: b/cond error even after copying configs.

Jungin Kwon01:11:18

What else do I need to configure?


You need to also lint the better cond dependency if you have those configs in place


Repro as clonable repo welcome, this is a better way to talk about the same thing.

Daniel Gerson16:11:04

Thought I'd mention that not-empty? warning although appropriate for sequences isn't for (-> #{} empty? not) (Edit: Please disregard :man-facepalming: )


Interesting. Why?


 #(= (boolean (seq %))
     (not (empty? %)))
=> [true true true true]


or perhaps this is a different warning I'm thinking about?


What am I missing?

Daniel Gerson20:11:34

@U08BJGV6E Thanks for double checking me! Did I make a mistake? Apologies if so. Will recheck.


Do share what you find!

Daniel Gerson21:11:04

I must have used seq? instead of seq ! Sorry all. :man-facepalming:

Daniel Gerson21:11:00

Or perhaps even more mixed and matched up than that.

Daniel Gerson21:11:12

As I wasn't paying attention to the question mark, I can't be certain, so not sure of the results I got. Something about my brain associates`not empty?`as a question as it does seq?, where I don't read seq naturally in the same way. laughcry I will learn, thanks again 🙏

Daniel Gerson21:11:24

🏆 for both clj-kondo and the #CHY97NXE2 channel!