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Hi everyone, I have a question about serial/parallel transactions processing. If I have multiple databases running on single transactor, does it makes it any possible to runs txs in parallel to separate dbs?


I remember datomic transactions are not parallel by design to omit locks and other complicated stuff, but still curious if it's per db or for the whole transactor


thanks 🙏

Joe Lane17:11:19

Not sure if you're planning to use on-prem or cloud, but I recommend reading this post and making sure what you're planning to do aligns with the recommendations from marshall and rich

🙏 1

it's on-prem


I followed the datomic cloud setup guide, but when attempting to connect to the system I get an error

;;; deps.edn
 {com.datomic/dev-local    {:mvn/version "1.0.243"}
  com.datomic/client-cloud {:mvn/version "1.0.119"}}
 :mvn/repos {"datomic-cloud" {:url ""}}}

(def client1 (d/client {:system      "mysystem1234"
                     :server-type :ion
                     :region      "us-east-1"
                     :endpoint    ""}))

ExceptionInfo Unable to connect to 
{:cognitect.anomalies/category :cognitect.anomalies/unavailable,
 :cognitect.anomalies/message  "DNS timeout 5000 ms",
 :config                       {:system       "mysystem1234",
                                :server-type  :cloud,
                                :region       "us-east-1",
                                :endpoint     "",
                                :endpoint-map {:headers     {"host" ""},
                                               :scheme      "http",
                                               :server-name "",
                                               :server-port 8182}}}
Any tips on how to start debugging this?

Joe Lane18:11:22

Check your template outputs via aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name <compute-stack> and look for your ClientApiGatewayEndpoint in the output and grab the https url value. Replace your

with the ClientApiGatewayEndpoint.

Joe Lane18:11:52

Also, can you provide a link to the "setup guide" you're following?

Joe Lane18:11:06

Reading through describes the ClientApiGatewayEndpoint .


I was looking at I don't seem to have ClientApiGatewayEndpoint in the compute stack output


(This is using solo topology by the way)

Joe Lane18:11:26

there is no such thing as a solo topology anymore, we consolidated solo+production topology while supporting scaling down to the original "solo" size (and cost).


Strange, it's still listed as an option when you step through the aws marketplace listing


Ohhh or do you mean that solo now just refers to a smaller sized instance (etc)

Joe Lane19:11:12

ugh... so frustrating. I'll give you the right link

Joe Lane19:11:14

Once you "subscribe" to datomic-cloud in the aws marketplace you can create a system by using the storage and compute stacks under the "Current Releases" section of that link.


Gotcha, will give that a try, thanks!

Joe Lane19:11:54

If you get stuck again please reach out. (unfortunately we are currently unable to remove the solo topology from the drop-down in the aws marketplace)


That worked, thanks! Small point on the docs, it would be useful to mention somewhere on that the stack name of the storage stack is the system name. (I see it's mentioned That was my one snag