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@chris441 For this purpose we have ns-analysis
: it will return cached data. Clj-kondo does not read anything from disk while linting. It just lints the fileset you give it. But if you already have linted your files once, then ns-analysis
gives back the vars for a certain namespace. See
Note that requiring-resolve
etc in a clj-kondo macro (at "compile" time) just loads other hook code, it doesn't load your real dependency.
That is what I figured after looking at the data. Thanks, will checkout hooks a bit closer.
I think @hugod had a very similar use case like yours, this is why ns-analysis
got added
Using ns-analysis
works well when using clojure-lsp
, since it is generally kept from getting stale. I’ve used it for impprt-ns
type macros, and also for some macros that import defrecord types.
It should also work with vanilla flycheck-clj-kondo etc, every time you visit the imported ns and change stuff there, the analysis cache is updated. If you're thinking of switching branches, then you could make a commit hook to re-lint your project.
OK, that appears to be working in one sense - the errors I get out of clj-kondo now match the correct arities of the imported functions.
When I load the actual metadata produced, however, I note that the imported functions don't have a :fixed-arities
map entry - I am careful to recreate the arities in the macro -
(defmacro export-symbols
[src-ns & symbol-list]
(let [analysis (:clj (hooks-api/ns-analysis src-ns))]
~@(->> symbol-list
(fn [sym-name]
(when-let [fn-data (get analysis sym-name)]
(if-let [arities (get fn-data :fixed-arities)]
`(defn ~sym-name
~@(->> arities
(map (fn [arity]
(let [argvec (mapv
#(symbol (str "arg-" %))
(range arity))]
`(~argvec (apply + ~argvec)
;;This line is to disable the type detection of clj-kondo
~(if-not (= 0 arity)
(first argvec)
`(def ~sym-name :defined)))))))))
So I would say this is perhaps finished or perhaps just partly working. I don't see argnames anywhere which is fine nor a docstring but I didn't see that in the metadata before so perhaps also fine.This is what I have
(defn import-namespace
"Transform an import-ns into a sequence defn and defmacro"
[{:keys [node]}]
(let [[_ ns-name] (:children node)
analysis (-> (:string-value ns-name)
(api/token-node 'do)
(->> analysis
(remove :private)
[{:keys [fixed-arities
sym :name}]
(if (or fixed-arities varargs-min-arity)
(if macro
(api/token-node 'defmacro)
(api/token-node 'defn))
(api/token-node sym)
(if fixed-arities
(fn [n]
(repeat n (api/token-node '_)))
(:string-value ns-name)
(str sym))))))
(repeat varargs-min-arity (api/token-node '_))
[(api/token-node '&) (api/token-node '_)]))
(:string-value ns-name)
(str sym)))])))
(api/token-node 'def)
(api/token-node sym)
(:string-value ns-name)
(str sym)))))))))))]
#_(prn :import-namespace (api/sexpr new-node))
{:node (with-meta new-node (meta node))}))
You can look in the transit map in the .cache
folder to see if the info is there. Perhaps it's just not exposed currently.
I am looking at the transit map. Here is the metadata of the source function:
{:row 146,
:col 1,
:fixed-arities #{1 2},
:name ->reader,
:ns tech.v3.datatype.base,
:top-ns tech.v3.datatype.base},
and here is the metadata of the imported function:
{:row 40, :col 1, :name ->reader, :ns tech.v3.datatype, :top-ns tech.v3.datatype},
Now as I said above, clj-kondo is itself reporting arity issues correctly with the function so at runtime it is correct I am just curious about the metadata as my goal is for clojure-lsp to work correctly with this.According to the code it should be there:
(base) chrisn@chrisn-lt3:~/dev/cnuernber/dtype-next$ scripts/clj-kondo | head
src/tech/v3/datatype.clj:299:3: error: tech.v3.datatype/->reader is called with 4 args but expects 1 or 2