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@tony.kay I’m loving guardrails — can’t wait to see where you’re taking it, given the all commits you’ve been making to it! 🙂
I notice that >defn-
still allows the function to be called externally, unlike defn-
; confirm that guardrails does the same thing to make private
(defn- p1 [] 3)
(>defn- p2 [] [=> int?] 3)
; switch to different ns
Syntax error (IllegalStateException) compiling ops/p1 at (src/pubsub/core.clj:285:3).
var: #'pubsub.ops/p1 is not public
; ^^ as expected.
=> 3
; expected it to fail, but instead, it called the function.
Many thanks!GR is not high on the prio list right now. I’d take a PR for a fix. There’s a ton I’d love to be able to do to it, but it just isn’t economically viable for me to do right now.
Hang on.. deleting this… submitting another PR with test cases for private and public.
is there an idiom for querying an additional piece of information from a child that a parent needs but the child does not? ie.:
(defsc Child
{:query [:a :b]}) ; :b is needed in parent but not in child
(defsc Parent
{:query (comp/get-query Child)})
Not something that would pop in mind immediately. I guess it is quite an unusual requirement. do you have a realistic example?
I'm building a note-taking app. I want to sort notes by date, which necessitates including a date in the child data, which is only used by the parent doing the actual sorting.
You could use the lambda form of :query and conj whatever you need to the child's query while preserving its metadata. But adding it to the child is simpler.
This is the general rule: The parent HAS to know about the child, but the child should not be coupled to knowledge of the parent. So, if the child has something the parent wants to see, it’s fine to look at the props for the children…in fact, the parent is the ONLY thing in this scenario that can possibly sort them because it is what has the children as a collection.
It’s true that this introduces an implicit coupling, but the temptation to “modify a child” from the parent introduces stateful mutation into your system, which becomes much messier than just including the date in the child’s query manually and dealing with the fact that if someone removes it later then the parent won’t sort things. The former creates incidental complexity in the application. The latter results in an easy-to-find and easy-to-fix bug that rarely happens in practice, but has a low cost when it does. If you’re super paranoid, then you could add logging or even startup errors if the query of the child doesn’t include what you want…but I think that’s overkill.
If you still disagree with the above, and really want to screw with the child query, then you can always use set-query!
. That, combined with get-query
could be used to modify the child query in the lifecycle of the parent. You’ll need to make sure that happens before your load needs to use the query, and of course you’ll want to make sure you preserve the original elements of the query.
Good morning! I am finally using RAD on my front-end web app. I was tired of reinventing the wheel. I have a question: how do you initialize props that are not attibutes, e.g.,, :ui/page
? I still have to render my web pages by hand.
Our depends where /how you use them. At like (or page 1) at the use site works fine. Or a init time mutation or initial-state...
> I still have to render my web pages by hand.
What do you mean by that?
On your other question:
I think you mean when using a defsc-form
If I'm not mistaken, it's the same as with every other normal fulcro prop, via :initial-state
which will be merged here:
Thanks guys! That's what I was looking for. What I meant by hand was I am not using the rendering plugin.
The book was updated recently to include much more detail on forms…please let me know if things are missing…better yet make a PR to help . The book source is in the main RAD repo
Hi @tony.kay. I am looking at the most updated book. I did not find out how to initialize props that are not attributes. I will make a PR when I figure this out. Setting :initial-state
did not work.
So, forms may not have a way to do that. I don’t remember myself. With reports you can just send them as part of the route params. Let me look real quick…
Forms are loaded/created at the ident of their ID, so they have no stable place in the db…thus :initial-state
, while honored on first frame of app, will not work (it’ll end up at id nil
it looks like it should work on create, but it won’t work on load, so I guess that’s a bit of an inconsistency
ah crap I've mixed up the lines in fulcro inspect. it's at nil
indeed. Sorry for the confusion @UGNMGFJG3
but that’s only if you send the initial-state key with the event (which can be done in route params or form/create!
. E.g. (rroute/route-to! Form id {:initial-state {:ui/boo 42})
really, that will work only by accident. It was never really meant for initializing additional props on the component itself…which is an oversight. You can always use component local state with :initLocalState
if it’s a trivial bit of ui stuff.
I’m thinking that since I allow query-inclusions, I should probably have a standard way to get initial values into those when they aren’t actually part of the form data (which they will never be).
I’d say: I’d accept a PR to allow :initial-state
on edit/view/create in extra params. For the non-create ones, that stuff would probably need to be pushed into the generated pre-merge
to go into the tree so that you could add things to children as well…Hm, but that doesn’t really solve it. I think I didn’t do this because the only fully general way to handle this is to expand the state machine…for example, adding a new child is an event, and that initial pre-merge is only applied to the top-level form.
let me think on it…I think there’s a good generalization possible that should probably be an option.
I am going to use init local state for now. I will probably have to amend the UISM for other parts of my project.
I’m adding an initialize-ui-props option. Just makes sense when there’s query inclusions
None of this is very complicated 🙂 it was a very small patch: The new docstring is probably longer than the actual new code.
It’s usually much harder to make the decision about what to include than it is to include it 😛 So, once I’m clear that something should be included it’s best to just do it, lest I forget my reasoning and have to do the “thinking about it” part all over again
Released Fulcro RAD 1.1.0-RC7:
• Adds support for fo/initialize-ui-props
, which allows you to give initial values to extra props you’ve added to a form via query-inclusion
For those wondering about the RC status: I’ve recently made some invasive internal changes that are meant to fix dependency issues (js-joda and Pathom) and build size (js-joda). None of the API has known breaking changes, but I’m keeping it in RC status for a while just to make sure there’s no breakage (which I would consider a bug).