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Ovidiu Stoica06:07:58

Interesting thing I found with next.jdbc/with-transaction If I pass the tx object as a conn object to a function to insert something (as part of the transaction) it will time out but if I do the same insert in the original function’s scope it will work. Does the tx lose a reference when it is passed as a parameter to another function? Ex:

(defn save-user-role
  [conn user-id role]
If I pass the tx map to this function, it will timeout but if I copy all the queries from it in the original function, it works. I resolved to do all the queries inside the original scope but I’m curious for the reason for this


The tx "object" is a Connection not a map. Passing it as an argument doesn't change that. Can you share your code? What you seem to describing should work fine.

Ovidiu Stoica09:07:07

(jdbc/with-transaction [tx conn]
      ; Store user object and return generated id
      (let [user-sqo-id
            (-> (execute!
                 tx (-> (insert-into :identity_object)
                        (values identity_vals}]))
                 {:return-keys true})
     (save-user-role tx user-sqo-id)

     ;; Cleanup any existing entries for new user
     (execute! tx (-> (delete-from :user_domain)
                      (where [:= :user_id user-sqo-id])))
Where save-user-role is
(defn save-user-role
  [conn user-id role]
  (let [group-type-id (get-io-type-id conn "GROUP")
        group (-> (execute! conn (-> (select :id)
                                              (from [:identity_object :io])
                                              (where [group-condition])))
        relationship-member-type (get-io-relationship-type-id "membership")
        relationship-role-type (get-io-relationship-type-id conn "role")]
    ;; Cleanup any existing relationships
    (execute! conn (-> (delete-from :identity_object_relationship)
                       (where condition)))
    (execute! conn (-> (insert-into :identity_object_relationship)
                       (values vals)))))
Indeed in the save-user-role example I use the tx to also query group, relationship-types (4 other queries) while when I put all the queries inside the with-transaction I query the group group-type-id relationship-member-type outside of the transaction. Maybe this influences?


I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're saying there. Do you perhaps use with-transaction inside one of those other functions? You can't nest transactions.


@seancorfield I just wanted to thank you for the design work you've put into next.jdbc. Being able to quickly datafy a huge number of schema/column ResultSets across an entire database really made me feel like I could get comprehensive and thorough information about an unfamiliar and very complicated DB without needing to learn a new tool like DataGrip.


Glad that's working well for you -- I rely on Portal and datafy a lot when working with our database at work 🙂


I'm getting a java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException from execute! when querying hive:

1. Unhandled java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException
   Method not supported  102  org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveResultSetMetaData/getTableName
            result_set.clj:   41  next.jdbc.result-set/get-column-names/fn
                  core.clj: 6979  clojure.core/mapv/fn
    233  clojure.lang.LongRange/reduce
                  core.clj: 6885  clojure.core/reduce
                  core.clj: 6970  clojure.core/mapv
                  core.clj: 6970  clojure.core/mapv
            result_set.clj:   40  next.jdbc.result-set/get-column-names
            result_set.clj:   36  next.jdbc.result-set/get-column-names
            result_set.clj:  335  next.jdbc.result-set/as-arrays
            result_set.clj:  330  next.jdbc.result-set/as-arrays
            result_set.clj:  638  next.jdbc.result-set/datafiable-result-set
            result_set.clj:  618  next.jdbc.result-set/datafiable-result-set
            result_set.clj:  930  next.jdbc.result-set/eval23966/fn
             protocols.clj:   33  next.jdbc.protocols/eval23050/fn/G
            result_set.clj: 1008  next.jdbc.result-set/eval24005/fn
             protocols.clj:   33  next.jdbc.protocols/eval23050/fn/G
                  jdbc.clj:  253  next.jdbc/execute!
                  jdbc.clj:  237  next.jdbc/execute!
any way around this?


No. That's the Hive JDBC driver throwing it, on a perfectly reasonable method call 😕


any way to get the raw columns, a different result set builder?


According to this (JDBC docs), it should return "" if it can't produce the table name -- which is what Oracle always does and what MS SQL Server does unless you specify an additional option.


If you use an unqualified builder, it won't try to call .getTableName, so that might be your best option.


There seem to be quite a few badly-behaved JDBC drivers out there once you get outside the mainstream databases 😞


yeah ....... well, as-unqualified-arrays didn't barf, so that's something .... no data, but I guess I'm pointing at an empty table. thanks, sean.

seancorfield01:08:54 -- not sure when I'll release the next version.


It's a fairly minor release but I've been sitting on some of these changes for a while...