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Ben Lieberman14:07:01

What aspects of Clojure are most important for being a good job candidate? Do people who currently have Clojure jobs do mostly full-stack? Left a dead-end job recently from which I gained a little practical experience (not in Clojure) but not as much as I'd like. Clojure is really fun for me and I'd like to focus on it. But do I need to be a front-end wiz to be a successful Clojure dev? I like back-end more but at least anecdotally the job posting I've seen have been full-stack.

👍 1

Yeah, it's common but I think you definitely don't need to focus on frontend. I certainly didn't do much ui in my whole carrer and managed to find a great job ( doing mostly Clojure for the past 5 years)


I’ve been doing Clojure since 2014 with only minimal frontend work. At some of those jobs there was no frontend to speak of. The jobs are definitely out there, though I don’t know what the current hiring market is like.

Nick McAvoy02:07:43

Full-stack is a nice quality in any dev, but since our stack is VueJS in the frontend and Clojure in the backend, we don't really expect Clojure people to do frontend.

💯 1
Mateusz Mazurczak13:08:03

It depends on job, but for a lot companies being open to technologies, switching stack, being fast learner. As often they use other tech beside clojure

Mateusz Mazurczak13:08:56

Also having some projects to showcase in clojure on github/open source contributions

Mateusz Mazurczak13:08:28

I feel like it's taken more seriously and appreciated in companies that use clojure


From the perspective of someone who's hiring I'd say it's harder to find good Clojure frontend people than to find backend and data-oriented devs, so it's certainly a marketable skill to develop. If you do web development then there will always be a browser involved, and so I don't think it's wise to shy away from that. If you're more interested in the backend and api development then that's fine, we need those people too, but you're a much greater asset if you have at least a passing knowledge of the various frontend technologies.


I personally find that being skilled at how to decompose well a complex problem in smaller bits is quite often a differentiator between an average programmer and a great one. That also tends to show in the way good code is written in clojure.


Regardless of context specific skills needed