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I have a test case that calls (/ 1 0) . I’m trying to print the error in a clean way. This doesn’t go well so far as sometimes I get an ExceptionInfo and sometimes I get an java.lang.ArithmeticException . So far I have not been able to reproduce this with a simple eval-string example, but looking at the code I think this has to do with Sci inlining ( I wonder if can get access to the line and column of the caller consistently somehow


@jeroenvandijk repro + issue welcome

👍 2

I’m not able to find it yet. It seems to be hidden in a few layers of complexity. And it’s not consistent :man-shrugging:


I did find this

(sci/eval-string "[(require 'foo)]" ) ;=> java.lang.Exception
(sci/eval-string "(require 'foo)" ) ;=> clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo


Not sure if that’s expected or not. As you suggested to wrap things in a vector earlier