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Jakub Holý (HolyJak)17:01:13

In RAD, what I am doing wrong here in trying to use an icon for an action ?

ro/row-actions [{:label  (fn [_ {:thing/keys [id]}] (ui-icon {:key (str id) :name "trash"}))
? The action column is not displayed … I have require [com.fulcrologic.semantic-ui.elements.icon.ui-icon :refer [ui-icon]]


any console errors?


I’m doing a similar thing in my reports. Works fine. RAD Version? There were some places where I wasn’t doing labels right that I fixed a few versions ago

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)17:01:46

No error or warning. According to React Components view, the element is in dom just does not render anything visible..


I’m using that exact icon (trash) in the code I’m looking at right now

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)17:01:28

Do I need to include it explicitly, is it not baked into semantic ui?


icons are loaded from a theme


it’s not just that one file


The css does relative inclusions

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)17:01:00

the only css I have is semantic.min.css


service from a CDN or locally?


that’s your problem

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)17:01:48

right, I see url(themes/default/assets/fonts/icons.woff2) in the .css


you can pull in the node module using package.json and mirror it from there, or follow their instructions for building a custom version that installs into local directories


or use the CDN…that works

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)17:01:57

ah, not, sorry, it is from CDN: Request URL:

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)17:01:37

Ah, the icons are downloaded fine it seems Request URL: I priginally filtered only for css files 😅

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)18:01:21

In the html I see <i aria-hidden="true" class="trash icon"></i> which seems correct to me, so now figuring out what the issue is…

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)18:01:37

The only trash -related class applied to the element is

i.icon.trash:before {
    content: "\f1f8";
Not sure what \f1f8 is


unicode character for the icon


the icons are just font glyphs

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)18:01:05

somehow the font is not applied 😭

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)18:01:44

not sure what I am missing. This trivial page is displaying no icons either: The icons work in this minimalist example:

    <head><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" /></head>
    <body><h1>Icon: <i class="edit icon"></i> / <i class="trash icon"></i></h1></body>
so I just need to find out what messes it up in my app.

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)19:01:26

Hm, something is wrong with the label. Having (dom/i :.trash.icon {:key "xxx"}) elsewhere in the app works fine but this:

ro/row-actions {:label  (fn [_ _] (dom/i :.trash.icon {:key "xxx"}))
                            :action ...}]
displays nothing. No warnings either (I expected React to complain about rpeated key)

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)19:01:18

FOUND IT! If I remove the class buttons from the parent div (ie. <div class="ui buttons"> -> <div class="ui"> then the icon shows up.

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)19:01:19

WRONG: `ro/row-actions [{:label (fn [ ] (i :.trash.icon {:key "xxx"})) …` CORRECT:

ro/row-actions  [{:label  (fn [_ _] (button :.ui.icon.button {:key "xxx"} (i :.trash.icon))) …

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)20:01:50

Ok, the saga does not end. @U0CKQ19AQ if I make a button icon label like ☝️ then clicking it will have no effect and will instead trigger the :event/select-row event. And here is why:

(if (string? label)
                    (dom/button :.ui.button {:key      idx
                                             :disabled disabled?
                                             :onClick  onClick}
so it makes sense - I provide an Element as the label, indicating I want to take full control of the, well, control 😅

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)20:01:56

I see that report-level controls support :icon param that makes this much simpler…


correct the third arg of your row action for label includes the control itself, so you can grab action


:label  (fn [this props {:keys [action]}]
                                             {:name        "trash"
                                              :onClick     (fn [] (when action (action this props)))

🙏 2
Jakub Holý (HolyJak)20:01:40

Perhaps it would make sense to send PR to add :icon support to row action controls, just as we do for report controls?


always open to PRs that round things out

👍 2
Jakub Holý (HolyJak)20:01:46

ro/row-actions docstring reads >

* `:label` : REQUIRED. A string or `(fn [report-instance row-props] string-or-element?)`.
i.e. does not mention the 3rd argument


ok, so fix that too 😄

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)20:01:50

Will do. I guess it will also be so that only one of label / icon is required, i.e. if I provide icon I can omit label.


So, one thing to consider but maybe the cat’s already out of the bag: in the case of label one can argue that it is sufficiently general to be a simple keyword. Once we move into icons it get a little more grey. I was trying to make things so general that you could use a text terminal library with RAD, and icons might be a no-go in some places. However, for assistive technologies unlabled icons are also a no-no, so I think label is always required, and icon is an optional UI-specific (possibly unsupported) option where in HTML-land it gets and aria-label if it is just an icon? But then what if you want a button with an icon and a label. Then you’re back to just doing a custom control with :label as a fn.


meh. I kinda got tired of thinking of all the edge cases and have just been adding practical things as I go…but just throwing that out there so you at least have some context on a wider goal.

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)20:01:29

thank you for that! and it makes perfect sense.

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)20:01:44

I guess I will just follow what ActionButton does, i.e. (when icon ... )(when label label) though it would be nicer to support a hidden aria label as you rightly pointed out

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)20:01:14

Better to be consistently wrong than inconsistently and occasionally right 🙂


I don’t know…gradual convergence to right sounds better to me 🙂

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)20:01:09

Eh, you are right …. again 😅 Maybe I need to think about it more overnight.


you see why I’ve slowed down on dev. Running two business and trying to do this lift in open-source space is too much for one person 🙂

💯 2
Jakub Holý (HolyJak)21:01:08

::suo/report-row-button-renderer is wonderful and I will use it ❤️ That way I have 100% control of what is rendered, without too much typing for each control

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)22:01:45 mentions requiring :as icu] but I do see no such namespace there?! The solution was to upgrade from 0.0.5-alpha to 1.0.0 😅

Eva O23:01:18

I'm getting Use of undeclared Var error when I try to make a defsc-form use hooks:

(defsc-form Signup
  [_this _props]
  {fo/attributes [account/email
   fo/id account/id
   :use-hooks? true})


hooks should work there. Need more data.

Eva O02:01:27

This is my error message:

------ WARNING #1 - :undeclared-var --------------------------------------------
 File: [file location]/signup.cljc:64:13
  61 |                                  :username email}))
  62 |     uism-env))
  63 | 
  64 | (defsc-form Signup
 Use of undeclared Var match-cloud.ui.account.signup/Signup
  65 |   [this {::form/keys [errors] :ui/keys [active-step] :or {active-step 0} :as props}]
  66 |   {fo/attributes [account/email
  67 |                   account/password
  68 |                   account/password-confirmation
[:cards] Build completed. (1725 files, 3 compiled, 1 warnings, 2.12s)

------ WARNING #1 - :undeclared-var --------------------------------------------
 File: [file location]/signup.cljc:64:13
  61 |                                  :username email}))
  62 |     uism-env))
  63 | 
  64 | (defsc-form Signup
 Use of undeclared Var match-cloud.ui.account.signup/Signup
  65 |   [this {::form/keys [errors] :ui/keys [active-step] :or {active-step 0} :as props}]
  66 |   {fo/attributes [account/email
  67 |                   account/password
  68 |                   account/password-confirmation

Eva O02:01:48

And then it doesn't render the form

Eva O02:01:25

Everything works fine when I get rid of :use-hooks?

Eva O03:01:07

I can use hooks in normal components and in reports. Just not forms.

Eva O03:01:22

RAD v1.3.13


Hey, sorry, I got busy and didn’t have a chance to look at this. I know there is code in place for hooks support in forms, but I’m not sure I have any production code using the feature. I’ll try to look at it. The original form stuff was never meant to be used with hooks, and I added it somewhat recently. I’m sure I tested it then, but who knows maybe there is a regression.


Fixed in fulcro-rad-1.4.4

🙌 2