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In RAD, what I am doing wrong here in trying to use an icon for an action ?
ro/row-actions [{:label (fn [_ {:thing/keys [id]}] (ui-icon {:key (str id) :name "trash"}))
? The action column is not displayed … I have require [com.fulcrologic.semantic-ui.elements.icon.ui-icon :refer [ui-icon]]
I’m doing a similar thing in my reports. Works fine. RAD Version? There were some places where I wasn’t doing labels right that I fixed a few versions ago
No error or warning. According to React Components view, the element is in dom just does not render anything visible..
Do I need to include it explicitly, is it not baked into semantic ui?
the only css I have is semantic.min.css
right, I see url(themes/default/assets/fonts/icons.woff2)
in the .css
you can pull in the node module using package.json and mirror it from there, or follow their instructions for building a custom version that installs into local directories
ah, not, sorry, it is from CDN: Request URL:
hm,[email protected]/dist/themes/default/assets/fonts/icons.woff2 exists and works fine
Ah, the icons are downloaded fine it seems Request URL:
I priginally filtered only for css files 😅
In the html I see <i aria-hidden="true" class="trash icon"></i>
which seems correct to me, so now figuring out what the issue is…
The only trash
-related class applied to the element is
i.icon.trash:before {
content: "\f1f8";
Not sure what \f1f8 issomehow the font is not applied 😭
not sure what I am missing. This trivial page is displaying no icons either:
The icons work in this minimalist example:
<head><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" /></head>
<body><h1>Icon: <i class="edit icon"></i> / <i class="trash icon"></i></h1></body>
so I just need to find out what messes it up in my app.Hm, something is wrong with the label. Having (dom/i :.trash.icon {:key "xxx"})
elsewhere in the app works fine but this:
ro/row-actions {:label (fn [_ _] (dom/i :.trash.icon {:key "xxx"}))
:action ...}]
displays nothing. No warnings either (I expected React to complain about rpeated key)FOUND IT! If I remove the class buttons
from the parent div (ie. <div class="ui buttons">
-> <div class="ui">
then the icon shows up.
WRONG: `ro/row-actions [{:label (fn [ ] (i :.trash.icon {:key "xxx"})) …`
ro/row-actions [{:label (fn [_ _] (button :.ui.icon.button {:key "xxx"} (i :.trash.icon))) …
Ok, the saga does not end. @U0CKQ19AQ if I make a button icon label like ☝️ then clicking it will have no effect and will instead trigger the :event/select-row
event. And here is why:
(if (string? label)
(dom/button :.ui.button {:key idx
:disabled disabled?
:onClick onClick}
so it makes sense - I provide an Element as the label, indicating I want to take full control of the, well, control 😅I see that report-level controls support :icon
param that makes this much simpler…
correct the third arg of your row action for label includes the control itself, so you can grab action
:label (fn [this props {:keys [action]}]
{:name "trash"
:onClick (fn [] (when action (action this props)))
Perhaps it would make sense to send PR to add :icon
support to row action controls, just as we do for report controls?
docstring reads
* `:label` : REQUIRED. A string or `(fn [report-instance row-props] string-or-element?)`.
i.e. does not mention the 3rd argumentWill do. I guess it will also be so that only one of label / icon is required, i.e. if I provide icon I can omit label.
So, one thing to consider but maybe the cat’s already out of the bag: in the case of label one can argue that it is sufficiently general to be a simple keyword. Once we move into icons it get a little more grey. I was trying to make things so general that you could use a text terminal library with RAD, and icons might be a no-go in some places. However, for assistive technologies unlabled icons are also a no-no, so I think label is always required, and icon is an optional UI-specific (possibly unsupported) option where in HTML-land it gets and aria-label if it is just an icon? But then what if you want a button with an icon and a label. Then you’re back to just doing a custom control with :label
as a fn.
meh. I kinda got tired of thinking of all the edge cases and have just been adding practical things as I go…but just throwing that out there so you at least have some context on a wider goal.
thank you for that! and it makes perfect sense.
I guess I will just follow what ActionButton
does, i.e. (when icon ... )(when label label)
though it would be nicer to support a hidden aria label as you rightly pointed out
Better to be consistently wrong than inconsistently and occasionally right 🙂
Eh, you are right …. again 😅 Maybe I need to think about it more overnight.
you see why I’ve slowed down on dev. Running two business and trying to do this lift in open-source space is too much for one person 🙂
is wonderful and I will use it ❤️
That way I have 100% control of what is rendered, without too much typing for each control
FOUND IT! If I remove the class buttons
from the parent div (ie. <div class="ui buttons">
-> <div class="ui">
then the icon shows up.
WRONG: `ro/row-actions [{:label (fn [ ] (i :.trash.icon {:key "xxx"})) …`
ro/row-actions [{:label (fn [_ _] (button :.ui.icon.button {:key "xxx"} (i :.trash.icon))) … mentions requiring
The solution was to upgrade from 0.0.5-alpha to 1.0.0 😅 :as icu]
but I do see no such namespace there?!
I'm getting Use of undeclared Var
error when I try to make a defsc-form
use hooks:
(defsc-form Signup
[_this _props]
{fo/attributes [account/email
fo/id account/id
:use-hooks? true})
This is my error message:
------ WARNING #1 - :undeclared-var --------------------------------------------
File: [file location]/signup.cljc:64:13
61 | :username email}))
62 | uism-env))
63 |
64 | (defsc-form Signup
Use of undeclared Var match-cloud.ui.account.signup/Signup
65 | [this {::form/keys [errors] :ui/keys [active-step] :or {active-step 0} :as props}]
66 | {fo/attributes [account/email
67 | account/password
68 | account/password-confirmation
[:cards] Build completed. (1725 files, 3 compiled, 1 warnings, 2.12s)
------ WARNING #1 - :undeclared-var --------------------------------------------
File: [file location]/signup.cljc:64:13
61 | :username email}))
62 | uism-env))
63 |
64 | (defsc-form Signup
Use of undeclared Var match-cloud.ui.account.signup/Signup
65 | [this {::form/keys [errors] :ui/keys [active-step] :or {active-step 0} :as props}]
66 | {fo/attributes [account/email
67 | account/password
68 | account/password-confirmation
Hey, sorry, I got busy and didn’t have a chance to look at this. I know there is code in place for hooks support in forms, but I’m not sure I have any production code using the feature. I’ll try to look at it. The original form stuff was never meant to be used with hooks, and I added it somewhat recently. I’m sure I tested it then, but who knows maybe there is a regression.