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Guild Navigator19:01:01

Hi everyone. I'm Mark from Orlando, Florida. I'm a Senior Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. I just started to learn Clojure this week. I've been in engineering roles for nearly 30 years, and generally work in Python, Go, and JavaScript these days. I love solving expensive problems simply. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn

👋 20
🎉 2

Cool! I can't connect with you on LinkedIn for some reason. Can you connect with me? My policy is to accept all connection requests from Clojurians. 😃

👋 2

Hey Mark! I also work in Cloud - curious how Clojure caught your interest

Guild Navigator01:01:31

I used Scheme in college (1992) and always found it interesting, but never had an occasion to use it professionally. I always love learning new languages, and new ways to write expressive and efficient code.