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Is there a way to export or at least view the cursive formatting rules (e.g. to use with cljfmt)?


Actually, looks like it’s spelled out fairly plainly in Editor -> Code Style -> Clojure -> Form Parameters. What I’m really looking for is how to translate the UI dialog into something I can also use with external formatting tools like cljfmt. Like “Export to cljfmt.edn.”


Unfortunately the cljfmt model doesn’t map very well onto how Cursive formats things. I’m planning to try to improve this, and improve the interop between the two, but there isn’t a good way to do this except manually right now.

❤️ 5

that's good to know. Would love to see this come to fruition


Is one of the standard formatting tools (zprint, cljfmt (sounds like not), cljstyle) used under the hood or is it custom? Just curious. If I were trying to configure a pre-commit hook it would be nice to at least start with the same baseline formatter.


It’s custom, because it has to be built on the IntelliJ formatter. However, it’s very old code now and I’m planning to re-work it and try to make it more compatible with cljfmt.

👍 4
gratitude-thank-you 2