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Mathias Picker18:01:17

I'm trying the first time to use jena (java) in a clojure graal project. My setup works fine for clojure only, but as soon as I use jena, I get a ClassNotFoundException. Minmal project Any ideas how what I'm doing wrong or tips where to look or what I could be doing better?

Mathias Picker19:01:14

Guess I'm really too tired now … it's public now


I think it will help if you add that class to the reflection config. Perhaps the jena library loads that class dynamically

Mathias Picker19:01:43

I'll try. It's my first time using graal for more than playing around 🙂


What could also help is add (set! *warn-on-reflection* true) in your clojure code to avoid any reflection


if you get warnings while loading your namespace, fix them

Mathias Picker19:01:47

That solved this error. Now I get a - different - error from xerces, but that has to wait till tomorrow. Thanks a lot!

👍 2