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Eric Dvorsak14:10:36

Did anyone had success using fulcro-rad-sql with pathom3? looks like sql/wrap-env is never called with the example code in the fulcro-rad-demo fulcro3 branch

Eric Dvorsak16:10:23

ok it was only the case when running queries within pathom viz


I've read the docs and tried to look back through chat history, but I'm still not not clear how to make sure that ::merge/not-found isn't passed to my components. • df/load! loads data from server has many fields that may be nil • I see from the transit response those nil values are being sent (I am using pathom/elide-special-outputs-plugin, if that matters) • In the client db, I see that value ::merge/not-found • When a component queries that attribute from the db it gets ::merge/not-found and doesn't get nil, which is what I really want to get. I really want to get nil when I query those attribute from a component.. So my first question is - am I doing something wrong? I see reference to sweep-merge , which is supposed to remove these values. When should this be called? Could I be doing something to cause it not run correctly?


If I'm not doing something wrong and it's expected that not-found propagates to the UI if I don't do anything, I can: • Call nillify-not-found from my components every time access the value. (YUCK) • Be diligent on the server to never return nil. (mostly works, but this really isn't the data I want to be sending) • Do something in pre-merge for every load event I'm concerned about. I'm also not clear, based on the examples, what the "correct" behavior is. I can write things that look like they are doing what I want, but I'm not entirely clear. Is there a clear example of what to do? None of the examples in the book seem like what I want.


you do not want nil in app state if you can avoid it. Not founds are retracted, not set to nil


where are you seeing not-found values? pre-merge? They are supposed to be there, because you might find them useful.


but they should not be in the client db


Yes, I see ::merge/not-found in the data that gets to pre-merge


Fulcro is very pluggable…so, first question would be if you’re doing anything non-stock


as in setting the transactioin handler, adding in middleware in places, etc.


but yes, it is supposed to be visible in pre-merge. The sweep-merge happens after pre-merge


they are there so that a merge of various layers in pre-merge will work “right” semantically


I'm not doing any special configuration that I can see in initializing the app that would add any extra middleware or do anything unusual


So, confirm that you are seeing the not-found values in the client db after load is done, and you look at db in Inspect


This is an odd corner case, and in practice you should never return nils in maps from EQL requests. nil is not considered a legal value from a data perspective in Fulcro (the absence of the key is the proper way to indicate no value for a key). You can easily put a plugin on pathom that will dissoc keys w/nil values. That said, I would consider it a bug if a nil is returned and the not-found marker ends up in app state


and to confirm it is sending nil... I do have elide-special-outputs-plugin on the server side


What is your component query?


I just tried it on my app here, and it is NOT in app state


even though I returned nil


:query [{:project-parent/proposal


very straight forward


that is not a proper query


the nested bit has no component, and therefore no normalization info


it’s legal EQL


And then I load as

(df/load! app


Where project-ident is entity in question I'm querying


so, this is technically a bug in Fulcro


The internals assume you’re always going to do joins on components that themselves have queries.


the fact that you are not normalizing the nested item is what is confusing it I think


Ah - so if I were put this on the parent entity and used :focus (or whatever the keyword is to target only some sub-query) for example, then fulcro would be happy


I’m not sure why it is breaking on that…I’m looking at the internal logic and I don’t see a problem


So, forget focus or without for a moment


if it was a flat query then it would work. Also, it would work if you had:

:query [{:project-parent/proposal (comp/get-query Proposal)}]
where Proposal queried for an id and had an ident and therefore was normalized


which is what you want 99.99% of the time


Write a second “kind* of proposal component to avoid self-reference


(defsc ProposalA {:ident :proposal/id …}) (defsc ProposalB {:ident :proposal/id …})


Hmm - this data doesn't have an ident, though I suppose I could borrow the id of the parent object....


unless you need true recursion, in which case

(defsc Proposal [this props]
 {:query [:proposal/id {:proposal/parent ...}]
  :ident :proposal/id}


or you can flatten the query


or you can try to find the bug with non-normalized mark/sweep merge. 😄


If you want to make a very minimal repro project and send it along, I’ll have a look at it sometime


Ok - I'll see about trying to hack on some kind of id here for now. And yeah, it should be easy to come up with a reproduction

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