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Hello! There is (repl/disable-reload! (find-ns 'integrant.core)) here Can someone explain why is it needed? If I use Integrant as a dependency, I cannot change its files, thus it won’t be reloaded, am I wrong?


Thanks, but I still don’t understand when integrant.core reloading may happen. It’s a dependency so you cannot change it, thus tools.namespace will never reload it.


I believe that when you run refresh for the first time, it reloads everything as it doesn't know what, if anything, has been loaded. After the first refresh, it keeps track of what files have changed.


To find files to reload it uses classpath-directories or dirs you set manually with set-refresh-dirs. So I have no idea how it might be able to reload code a dependent library.


if you use integrant as a git dep, it will be in your classpath-directories