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please may we also have the clj-kondo bb pod updated to 2022.10.05? 馃槍


amazing thank you!


fyi, we now bump both the jvm and bb pod at the same time, so there's a +1 to 'number of people needing coordinated releases' for your usage data 馃檪


I should remember to do this when releasing clj-kondo


that's be lovely, yes please 馃槃


馃憢 is it possible to add #p as an discouraged var.. or rather reader macro?


ooh a fellow hashp user! 馃憢:skin-tone-3:

馃檪 1

currently not, but there is a :config-in-tag option which configures linting behavior in tags. Not sure if this will help in this case, probably not


loving #p a ton, but occasionally it slips into commits thanks for a prompt reply


I know. My secret is that I never add it to the checked-in deps.edn, just keep it in my user-level one so in theory it should fail compilation

鈽濓笍 2
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Noah Bogart13:10:42

How does :redundant-fn-wrapper work? It seems like it only recognizes a predefined set of functions?

noah@cb-dell ~/work
$ echo "(let [as-uuid parse-uuid uuids (map str (range 10))] (map #(as-uuid %) uuids))" | clj-kondo --lint - --config "{:linters {:redundant-fn-wrapper {:level :error}}}" --cache false
linting took 5ms, errors: 0, warnings: 0


I'm not exactly sure why this case isn't detected

Noah Bogart13:10:45

$ echo "(let [uuids [{:a 1}]] (map #(:a %) uuids))" | clj-kondo --lint - --config "{:linters {:redundant-fn-wrapper {:level :error}}}" --cache false
linting took 8ms, errors: 0, warnings: 0
also with keywords for some reason


I'd have to look into how it works again, it's been a while


I also found that in some cases redundant-fn wrappers are still desirable, e.g. for hot reloading


So I haven't enabled it anymore locally

馃憤 1

Thanks for the PR. I'm going to check if I can see some interesting new discoveries when I'm running the lint diff


Sometimes you can discover cases that aren't working properly, so that would be good before merge

Noah Bogart18:10:53

no rush! just something I noticed after cleaning up the existing lint warnings in our production codebase


< clojure/inspector.clj:120:17: warning: Redundant fn wrapper
< sci/impl/utils.cljc:204:38: warning: Redundant fn wrapper

馃憖 1
Noah Bogart18:10:03

I have a fix for :include-macros bug from github earlier today, but I see that we could be more strict about it than just passing over it. Clojurescript's says it only accepts true. Should I convert this fix (that merely discards the form) to a new linter that checks to make sure the option is the literal true?


Fine with me

馃憤 1

Also: cljs only

Noah Bogart18:10:29

Right, I'll include that

Noah Bogart18:10:43

Is that something you want to warn about or just skip if in clojure?

Noah Bogart18:10:23

looks like we're not doing such checks for other :require options


in clojure this is not a valid option

馃憤 1

so that's an unknown-require-option then


Perhaps in a .cljc situation it's convenient to leave it in, if it also works for clojure

Noah Bogart18:10:37

I mean that :refer-macros is allowed in clojure, but we could lint it:

$ clj
Clojure 1.11.1
user=> (require '[clojure.string :refer-macros [join]])
user=> (join " " (range 10))
Syntax error compiling at (REPL:1:1).
Unable to resolve symbol: join in this context

Noah Bogart18:10:52

yeah, clojure doesn't care


Everything is allowed right

馃憤 1
Noah Bogart20:10:23

This works but doesn't feel ideal so let me know how you want to go with it


To me this feels way too much for simple syntax check, I wouldn't even introduce a new linter for this. Just a warning with type :syntax

馃憤 1
Noah Bogart21:10:50

Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that one. Thanks, I鈥檒l clean it up

Noah Bogart13:10:15

Updated, much simpler now. I included a change to make :unknown-require-option default to :off, which should help everyone out in general