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Hmh. Seems like shadow 2.19.9 (i.e. 2.19.8 still works) stopped redirecting to index.html when going to localhost:8000, as configured for the dev server, if proxy-url is also configured. Nothing jumps to my eyes from the changelog, but have to bisect the commits then.


I suppose the bump to undertow could do it? But I can't even see version 0.3.0 at


it has never redirect anywhere?


:proxy-url always tries to load from proxies for files that don't exist?


The special case of checking for index.html when client is getting just the directory is still working, as long as proxy-url isn't defined and up to 2.19.8, even when it is


(forgot to push the changes to the github repo)


so :use-index-files true should work, :dev-http {3000 {:root "public" :use-index-files true :proxy-url ...}} that is


Hm, no difference with 2.19.9

Chris McCormick13:10:10

Hello, I am seeing an error when trying to consume in a front-end build:

Closure compilation failed with 4 errors
--- node_modules/@ffmpeg/ffmpeg/src/browser/defaultOptions.js:17
This code cannot be transpiled. import.meta. Use --chunk_output_type=ES_MODULES to allow passthrough support.
--- node_modules/@ffmpeg/ffmpeg/src/browser/fetchFile.js:43
This code cannot be transpiled. import.meta. Use --chunk_output_type=ES_MODULES to allow passthrough support.
--- node_modules/@ffmpeg/ffmpeg/src/browser/getCreateFFmpegCore.js:44
This code cannot be transpiled. import.meta. Use --chunk_output_type=ES_MODULES to allow passthrough support.
--- node_modules/@ffmpeg/ffmpeg/src/browser/getCreateFFmpegCore.js:80
This code cannot be transpiled. import.meta. Use --chunk_output_type=ES_MODULES to allow passthrough support.
I tried tinkering with :output-feature-set but it doesn't seem to help.

Chris McCormick13:10:18

Is there a way to set the chunk_output_type flag on the Closure pass?

Chris McCormick14:10:40

I have managed to get around this issue by using the pre-compiled dist artifact instead:

["@ffmpeg/ffmpeg/dist/ffmpeg.min" :refer [createFFmpeg fetchFile]]


there is no setting that would influence this currently. the error message only refers to the google-closure-compiler npm package option, it is not an option in shadow-cljs

👀 1
Ben Lieberman16:10:36

I have this ["react-bootstrap/Card$default" :as card] in my require form and I see the modules being loaded in the console but I can't figure out how to use it correctly. When I call it like a function I get a use of undeclared var warning and nothing else


well you typically don't call a react component as a function?

Ben Lieberman16:10:38

Right, but how does that translation to CLJS get made?

Ben Lieberman16:10:52

I tried this out and I see this logged in the console:

Card {$$typeof: Symbol(react.forward_ref), defaultProps: {…}, Img: {…}, Title: {…}, render: ƒ, …}$$typeof: Symbol(react.forward_ref)Body: {$$typeof: Symbol(react.forward_ref), defaultProps: undefined, render: ƒ}Footer: {$$typeof: Symbol(react.forward_ref), defaultProps: undefined, render: ƒ}Header: {$$typeof: Symbol(react.forward_ref), render: ƒ}Img: {$$typeof: Symbol(react.forward_ref), render: ƒ}ImgOverlay: {$$typeof: Symbol(react.forward_ref), defaultProps: undefined, render: ƒ}Link: {$$typeof: Symbol(react.forward_ref), defaultProps: undefined, render: ƒ}Subtitle: {$$typeof: Symbol(react.forward_ref), defaultProps: undefined, render: ƒ}Text: {$$typeof: Symbol(react.forward_ref), defaultProps: undefined, render: ƒ}Title: {$$typeof: Symbol(react.forward_ref), defaultProps: undefined, render: ƒ}defaultProps: {body: false}render: ({bsPrefix,className,bg,text,border, body,children,as:Component="div",...props},ref)=> {…}displayName: (...)get displayName: ƒ ()arguments: nullcaller: nulllength: 0name: "get"prototype: {constructor: ƒ}[[FunctionLocation]]: react.development.js:1497[[Prototype]]: ƒ ()[[Scopes]]: Scopes[4]set displayName: ƒ (name)[[Prototype]]: Object
so it seems to be imported correctly but I still get those undefined var warnings on invocation.


this is a react component, you do not call it


what do you use? reagent/re-frame? how did you require it now?

Ben Lieberman16:10:17

Reagent. Should I use their create-react-class function here? I tried what the original SO thread showed, i.e.

[:> Card
[:> Card.Body]]]
etc, but I suspect that's also wrong

Ben Lieberman16:10:55

["react-bootstrap/Card" :as Card]


that should be fine


wait no? what did you do for the log above?

Ben Lieberman16:10:13

(js/console.log "Card" Card)


should be fine then


might be the same issue

👀 1