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hey y'all, is it possible to specify which nrepl version cursive will use?


the larger question is, how can you specify nrepl middleware when using cursive + deps.edn?


.nrepl.edn in the project root is what I use

👍 3

global one also works


Yep, that’s the preferred way, Cursive will obey that.


The default Cmd-' (single quote) shortcut for the raise action is not doing anything for me sometimes. I'm not sure what breaks it and what makes it work again. If I run raise from the action menu, it works. Had anyone else experienced such an issue?


Would it be possible for Cursive to devote part of the REPL window to a progress bar when running tests in a namespace? Currently, we get an ephemeral popup only after tests complete.

Ronny Løvtangen20:03:57

If I use an alias for :extra-paths in a deps project, the CLJ REPL in Cursive can’t find the sources.

:clj-paths ["src/clj"]
:server {:extra-paths [:clj-paths]}
If I don’t use an alias, it works as expected.
:server {:extra-paths ["src/clj"]}
It works fine from the command line, and the project window in IntelliJ marks the folder correctly as source folder. Only experiencing an issue in the REPL. Maybe no support for using alias in :extra-path yet?


Are you specifying the alias when running the REPL?

Ronny Løvtangen21:03:14

I’ve specified dev,server here

Ronny Løvtangen21:03:58

If I replace

:server {:extra-paths [:clj-paths]}
:server {:extra-paths ["src/clj"]}
it works fine, so I guess I have specified the alias ok. The difference seems to be specifying extra-paths with a keyword rather than a string


Ok, I’ll take a look at that.

Ronny Løvtangen22:03:06

Thanks :thumbsup:


doesn't :extra-paths [:clj-paths] mean :extra-paths [["src/clj"]]?

Ronny Løvtangen07:03:21

If it is replaced as-is, yes, but the tool probably treats it differently. According to, that’s the syntax for using alias names in paths. It works fine from CLI.


Just curious, is cursive running with a modified version of tools-deps internally?


No, Cursive has two options - use the CLI tools (which really just runs -Sdescribe to get the version and install location, then grabs the uberjar and uses that) or use tools.deps directly, in which case it downloads it from Maven.