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Hey! Do you have a nice workflow for cleaning up local branches? Care to share? I'd love something like dired's ddddddxy, but from what I can see, Magit doesn't provide a buffer-of-branches that works like this.


I don't do that very often; that's why I never bothered about automating this. Basically, I would turn off the read-only mode, copy the names of the branches, paste in a scratch buffer, join the lines, then go back to Magit buffer and press ! ! then run git -D branch-1 branch-2 ... branch-n

👍 3

@UJRDALZA5 yup, that would solve my problem! Though I'm using Ivy, and would prefer not dragging in Helm for a Magit mode.


I just tried it. Works without Helm. Not sure why Helm is mentioned. For me, the delete key was x and not k as mentioned.

👀 3

Huh, interesting. Thanks for investigating!


Great timing, @U051BLM8F! 😄


The DOOM Emacs configuration for Magit seems to be using y for yanking stuff, not opening a branch list.


The branch "dispatch ground" doesn't seem to list a way for me to do this either. Guess I should learn how to open packages with unconfigured key bindings.


For DOOM users:

M-x magit-dispatch y C-v jjj x
This does: 1. Bring up the "other" dispatch menu, that you perhaps didn't know you have (I didn't) 2. y to list refs 3. start visual mode and select 4. Press x to delete selected.


This is what is suggested in the StackExchange thread also. The answer is by none other than You are right about y being bound to yank. But I can just type ? in the Magit buffer which is bound to magit-dispatch (in Doom).

👍 3

> But I can just type `?` in the Magit buffer which is bound to `magit-dispatch` (in Doom) Ah, thanks. I thought that was the "help menu", I wasn't aware that the key bindings were different from the key bindings in M-x magit-status. Learn something new every day!