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Scott G04:12:56

How do I use JavaScript interop for triggering a Firestore cloud function when a new document is created? The following link has an example of what I'm trying to accomplish in ClojureScript. I need some assistance on getting the anonymous function with the two parameters snap and context to be called.

Scott G04:12:23

This is a small snippet of what I've been trying. The issue I'm getting is that the anonymous function or the workflow function are never getting called.

   (.document functions/firestore "users/{userId}/blog/{blogId}")
   (fn [snap context]
(workflow snap context)


looks to me like you are just missing a pair of parens?

(-> (.document functions/firestore "users/{userId}/blog/{blogId}")
      (fn [snap context]
        (workflow snap context)

Scott G17:12:21

Thanks. Yeah, had missed the extra parens when typing on my phone. Also tried the dot macro outlined at, but log statements inside the workflow fn aren't being called in either approach. I ended up replacing the create trigger via promises in a different spot on the code, which resolved the issue. Wonder if it had something to do with the Firebase emulator or dep version.


Looking quickly though the awesome cljs-math, there are a few functions that are simply wrapping the JS-version: I wonder if it wouldn't be more performant to do:

(def cos js/Math.cos)
(defn cos [v] (js/Math.cos v))


At least it seems to make a difference in the advanced output of the compiler:

math.cos = (function math$cos(a){
return Math.cos(a);
math.sin = Math.sin;


But maybe the extra function call is optimized away by the js runtime?

Léo J11:12:39

Is there a good benchmarking tool in the cljs environment?


most likely the defn variant is more performant


given that the actual use likely generates different code


ie. if the compiler knows it calls a fn it can invoke directly. otherwise it'll do the ifn indirection

👍 1

@grav it probably won't make any difference, this is definitely in the class of things that JS VMs will optimize

👍 1
Noah Bogart15:12:55

if I have a resources/public/index.html file that servers as my base for a reagent SPA, what’s the best way to get a CSRF token into the html? I understand how to do it if I generate it with hiccup directly so is that the best option here?


Any sort of templating, even regular replace will work if you have full control over index.html.

Noah Bogart15:12:15

maybe I should rephrase then: I’ve never worked with clojure/script templating before, so do you have any suggestions on which to use?


If it's just for CSRF token, then templating is an overkill - just use some sentinel value in index.html and use regular string replacement to replace it with the token. If you need something more than just a single token, selmer is a good choice.

👍 1
Noah Bogart15:12:27

a sentinel value is a smart idea, thanks. don’t think i need much more than that at the moment

👍 1

Why does this work...?

(concat (clj->js [1 2]) (clj->js [3 4]))
; => (1 2 3 4)


Because you can call seq on JS arrays, which concat does behind the scenes. Also, just in case - note that (clj->js [1 2]) can be written simply as #js [1 2].

👁️ 1

But this (that concat works with JavaScript arrays too) is undocumented behavior, right? I guess it's better I don't rely on this?


The source of my doubt is that I was working with JavaScript Promise.all() and using js->clj and clj->js but now I realized that it seems to work even without those explicit conversions. For example, it seems Promise.all() works even when passed a ClojureScript list. I see Promise.all() Do ClojureScript lists implement the JavaScript iterable protocol?


yes, clojurescript data structures are iterable


Also, your doubt is caused by an observation of the behavior in a "different direction" - using CLJS data structures with JS functions. While your initial question is about the reverse - using JS data structures in CLJS functions. And in general, given that seq works on JS arrays, I think it's safe to expect that seq-processing functions to also work in JS arrays, and for that behavior to remain there.


it's not documented well, but it is expected and changing it would be a breaking change, which generally doesn't happen


Yes, @U2FRKM4TW , i understand my original question was about using JS structures with ClojureScript functions (`concat`), and then I asked about using ClojureScript structures with JavaScript functions (`Promise.all()`). Sorry for the confusion. @U4YGF4NGM Which one is not well documented? Using JS structures with CLJS functions, or using CLJS structures with JS functions? or both?


it's not obvious from any docs that arrays are seqable, or that vectors are iterable. but they are! and should continue to be


Ok, I wanted to be sure that I was not missing any docs where this was mentioned. Thanks much both for your help!