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i used in react-native with shadow-cljs , it output
ReferenceError: cljs_http is not defined
at eval (eval at <anonymous> (), <anonymous>:1:1)
at eval ()
@lepistane could u give an example using fetch, how to print the responese
ohh nicee thanks for the link i will have look 😄 @haiyuan.vinurs
(-> (js/fetch "")
(.then (fn [resp] (.text resp)))
;; u can add .then with prn here
(.catch (fn [arg] (js/console.error arg)))
(-> (js/fetch "")
(.then (fn [resp]
(prn (.text resp))))
;; u can add .then with prn here
(.catch (fn [arg] (js/console.error arg)))
@lepistane do u can prn the resp?(-> (js/fetch "")
(.then (fn [resp] (.text resp)))
(.then (fn [txt] (println txt)))
(.catch (fn [arg] (js/console.error arg))))
@lepistane i tested this code in react-native, it works, so cljs-http can work in react-native
(:require [cljs-http.client :as http]
[re-frame.core :as rf]
[cljs.core.async :refer [go <!]]
(go (let [response (<! (http/get
{:with-credentials? false
:query-params {"since" 135}}
(prn (:status response))
(prn (map :login (:body response)))))
👍 12
@haiyuan.vinurs Glad to see it’s working.
Does anyone use and build for production?