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Now another question. With reagent I liked to use reanimated
for smooth tweening of values. Is there something similar for rum? Reanimated lets me have animated and reactive atoms that I deref and then can trust reagent to react on.
I know in the react world the typical solution would be to just use something like:
basically, take these functions:
do a requestAnimationFrame that increments t as a function of how far along it is from startTime to startTime + animationTime
and then make the result of that plus your easing function the value of a local state var
I actually have some easing functions and a tween function that I've adapted from some code I found somewhere:
(defn easeOutQuad
[elapsed-t duration]
(let [dt (/ elapsed-t duration)]
(* dt (- 2 dt))))
(defn easeLinear
[elapsed-t duration]
(let [dt (/ elapsed-t duration)]
#?(:cljs ;; TODO: Add signature for choosing ease function
(defn tween-to! [state key new-value duration]
(let [anim-key (keyword (str (name key) "-anim"))
initial-value (key @state)]
(letfn [(tick [_]
(let [a-map (anim-key @state)
t (- (.now js/Date) (::t0 a-map))]
(if (< t duration)
(let [progress (easeLinear t duration)
new-val (+ (::initial-value a-map)
(* progress (::delta a-map)))]
(swap! state assoc key new-val
::ticker (js/requestAnimationFrame tick)))
(js/cancelAnimationFrame (::ticker a-map))
(swap! state dissoc anim-key)
(swap! state assoc key new-value)))))]
(swap! state assoc anim-key
{::t0 (.now js/Date.)
::ticker (js/requestAnimationFrame tick)
::delta (- new-value initial-value)
::initial-value initial-value}))))
(defn tween-to! [state key new-value duration]
(swap! state assoc key new-value)))