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Ivan Fedorov13:04:25

Bit myself with event competition. I’m setting db route via :set-route during the initialisation phase, then from a different place comes another :set-route . And they start to compete one sets route then updates url, and that url update in turn triggers another :set-route to make sure that data is in there. While I acknowledge that it’s a bad design, and I’m fixing it – are there any other measures, to ensure that only one :set-route can be accepted into re-frame event queue?


Such event-based infinite loops are a relatively common thing in similar systems. I don't think there's anything in re-frame to prevent it, but in general people set some flag somewhere to signify that the activity has been triggered by :set-route where that flag tells that activity not to issue new :set-route.

👍 1
Ivan Fedorov21:04:33

@U2FRKM4TW Thanks! Yeah, thinking about some locking or queueing mechanism too


Can you call one of the underlying functions directly when initializing, and then just put the route directly in the db without dispatching?


Failing that, can you detect if the URL actually needs to change from the present URL, and then just do nothing otherwise?