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Currently the inspect multimethod is behind cider.nrepl.inlined-deps.orchard.v0v9v2.orchard.inspect, and I am concerned that extending the inspect multimethod in that namespace would break if the orchard dependency version gets bumped. Is there another way to add custom types to the cider inspector?


You can grep for the ns out of (all-ns)


@bozhidar I would like to write the small PR that adds the possibility of not sending the result of the evaluation to the echo area, as maybe you have more practical means of seeing the results, like portal or a *cider-result* buffer always open. I see that the code is here and it would be easy to just change the condition for that invisible tag, but I'd like to ask about flag organization first: It seems that the flag cider-use-overlay is in charge of also deciding if something goes or not in the echo area. Would it be easier to use two cider-use-overlay and cider-use-echo-area options, so that each of one does a simple t/nil customization of where the result should go?