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I’m trying out and I’m not getting the results I’m expecting. I’ve set up a parser like in the documentation, but for some reason it is not able find the attribute(s) I ask for:

user=>  (time (d/pull (d/db conn) '[:flag/status] [:external/id "v145153"]))
"Elapsed time: 0.373298 msecs"
#:flag{:status #:db{:id 17592186045462}}
user=> (parser {} [{[:external/id "v145153"] '[:flag/status]}])
{[:external/id "v145153"] #:flag{:status :com.wsscode.pathom.core/not-found}}
What is a good approach to debug this?


I have run some commands from the tests like It gives a results that confirms that Pathom can read the db


Hey there! Is there any way to set a client-side pathom parser as a remote on the client side of a fulcro 3 application? I've been trying to get it to work using pfn/pathom-remote, but that depends on, which isn't a thing in fulcro 3.


i'm interested in this as well. There's an example in the fulcro guide code:


haven't played around with it yet, but it'd be great to have a client only app that makes use of api calls via a client-side parser

Chris O’Donnell21:06:05

The client-side parser uses graphql, but the setup should be the same as with a rest api or whatever other data source.

Chris O’Donnell21:06:56

Ah, I should update my example to use mock-http-server. Didn't know about that!