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trying to force a component to re-render/read (remotely) from a sibling component that mutates. i know a mutation should include read keys of affected components: > The second argument is a query expression that includes mutation. The query expression should contain any additional keys which should be re-read following the mutations (e.g. :todos/list). These reads will schedule components which depend on the specified keys to re-render. the problem is: nothing happens. i've tried all sorts of combinations of queries. does it need to be the rooted absolute query? relative query? single key of a query?
hey guys, little feedback welcome, at what point do you use db->tree
to write your read
function ?
Versus manually
another one =>
#js {:type "text"})
#js {:onClick (fn [e]
(om/transact! this `[(add/person {:id ~id})]))}
"Add Person")
how do I know in om/transact!
the content of the input button ?You should pass it through as a parameter in the transact call.
And if the content of your button can change, then it should be in your app's state, and your add/person
mutation has access to all the state.
ohhhh ok
makes sense
@danielstockton how to do it ? the use case is : 1) I enter some text in my input 2) I click on the button to submit the content
from what I understand I have to get an onChange
handler on my text input which modifies the app-state
then once I click on my button, I pass the value to my mutation method
Actually, you don't need to pass it through if you know the key on state that you're reading to get the value. The add/person parser method will be passed the app-state. You just need the input to transact values onto the app-state onChange. There is another way, which is to have the input update component local state and then pass that through in the transact! Using app-state might be better, for time travelling purposes...
the update-state!
has been made for local state right ?
You can use a link (!) in this component query to get the current input value.
Yep, update-state!
is for local state.
so why using componentDidUpdate
to set local state instead of the ILocalState
in the todoMVC of David Nolen
ILocalState is for initializing state, componentDidUpdate is a hook that is run after updating props (not called on iniital render).
Nothing specific to om, they're standard react lifecycle methods.
ok, thanks 🙂
is there any example of using ILocalState
(initLocalState [this]
{:count 1})
This is actually how I init don’t implement the protocol .
Nope, don't think there is one:
There is: but it's a protocol on the component, defui
takes care of this for you.
oh right
it’s all new for me...
@danielstockton all is working
I still have this but i’ll take care of it later
Constructor is changing an uncontrolled input of type text to be controlled. Input elements should not switch from uncontrolled to controlled (or vice versa). Decide between using a controlled or uncontrolled input element for the lifetime of the component
It's new to most people at the moment, that's why I keep looking things up in the source.
To fix that, you need to set a :value on the input.
Probably an empty "" at first and then it will read whatever you're setting on app-state or local-state.
another question ^^ I have got my normalized data which looks like this =>
{:list/one [[:people/by-id 1] [:people/by-id 2] [:people/by-id 3]],
:list/two [[:people/by-id 2] [:people/by-id 5] [:people/by-id 6]],
:people/by-id {1 {:id 1, :name "John", :points 0},
2 {:id 2, :name "Mary", :points 0, :age 27},
3 {:id 3, :name "Bob", :points 0},
5 {:id 5, :name "Gwen", :points 0},
6 {:id 6, :name "Jeff", :points 0}}, #{:people/by-id}}
If I want to create a component that displays all people with only their name, I created this component
(defui PersonList
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
'[{[:people/by-id _] [:name]}]))
Problem : query does not work with _
wildcard but it actually work if I do this =>
(defui PersonList
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
'[{[:people/by-id 1] [:name]}]))
can’t figure out how to do it
@baptiste-from-paris the likely reason the latter works and the former doesn't is you have a default read method which does something like (get-in state key)
it makes sense, I don’t know how om is supposed to know that I want all the nested elements wihtout giving him a key 1
or 5
I juste wanted to know if it was possible
I know how to do it with the read
function but I hoped to do it with the db->tree
Has anyone ever run into an issue with and figwheel where clojurescript will compile the first time through when including [ :as om]
but if figwheel is restarted compiliation will fail with a null pointer exception and the only way to resolve the issue is to stop figwheel, delete the public/js
folder and start figwheel again?
have you tried lein clean
@baptiste-from-paris _
isn't a wildcard, so that's not going to do what you're trying to do
right I find that but does it means that my query suxxx ?
is it possible anyway ?
There isn't a built-in way to get "every person that's in the app state", because that's normally not useful
If you really want "all people in the system", you might define a key that means that, such as :all-people
, or maybe :app/all-people
ok, that’s what I thought
but it’s a duplicate of my people/by-id
If your app is backed by a server, "all people" may include people your app state doesn't know about
it’s for learning purpose 😉
no back
(Right, but conceptually, that's why asking about all the things that happen to be in the local app state isn't a common thing to do)
ok, let’s try it
Something like:
(defmethod read :app/all-people
[{:keys [state] :as env} key params]
(let [st @state]
(vals (get st :app/all-people))))
so in my case (without a backend) I still have to duplicate data by hand right ?
That implementation will give you all the people, but it doesn't apply the subquery to each person
yep I’ve tried this one and it’s working with one little hint
when I update on person
rendering only applied on my Person
component and PersonList
is not rendered
but it’s ok, thank’s for you help, this community is amazing 🙂!
Off the top of my head, it should be more like:
(defmethod read :app/all-people
[{:keys [state query] :as env} key params]
(let [st @state]
#(om/db->tree query % st)
(vals (get st :app/all-people)))))
so you apply the joined query (`query`) to each person you find with db->tree
.Is there a particular philosophy behind Om using idents like [:person/by-id 1]
and not [:person/id 1]
, which would match Datomic lookup refs?
The major reason that comes to mind is that the app state wouldn't match the spec for :person/id
, because you'd have :person/id
mapped to a map. But that doesn't feel like a terribly strong reason to me.
I ask because my team is working on something Om-y and Datomic-y with Postgres, and considering using the equivalent of :person/id
for the analog of this, and I wonder what the room thinks
I really don’t know but I guess it’s more of a documentation thing; all docs have been made with person/by-*
but that’s just a guess
*a newbie point o view ^^
@peeja there have been questions like that for a while, my take on it is that it was just David's choice when doing the tutorials that people took on because everything was so new to them
I don't think it has any semantics to it, and has made some people confused
so feel free to use whatever naming scheme you want
has anyone run into an issue where importing
in the JVM and then building an based project with cljsbuild.api with :advanced
optimzations causes issues with static protocol implementations? Specifically, ( SomeComponent)
returns false
. It looks like the closure compiler elides some of the internal protocol data on the SomeComponent class object
(not sure if I’m using the correct terms for cljs compiler internals)
@matthavener yes, Om Next 1.0.0-alpha47 requires you be on ClojureScript 1.9.293 at least
@anmonteiro yep, this is on alpha47 with 1.9.239
sorry do you mean 1.9.293? because there's also 1.9.229 and that's confusing
oh sorry, yes, 1.9.293 🙂
it doesn't make any sense to me what you're getting then
did you clean your build?
yeah, I’ll try to figure out a testcase
if you're still seeing issues after cleaning your build and rebuilding the project, can you put together a minimal repro I can look at?
anmonteiro: figured out a testcase
@matthavener works for me
check1 true
testcase.js:674 check2 true
hrm, must be something in my environment, it failed for @cmcfarlen as well
what java version are you using?
java version "1.8.0_112"
just looks like a caching issue
I don't know
well, we first saw the issue running builds inside docker.. which should be pretty clean 😕
I would say Cursive has some issues around caching too much, but I think @cmcfarlen uses Vim
right, and Docker should be pretty clean
your example didn't work right away for me, btw
I had to tweak user.clj
(removed the
ah, that’s the line that breaks it 🙂
requiring into the JVM before running cljsbuild/build is what triggers the issue
I definitely get “true true” if I remove the require
right but I was having a completely different symptom
so I know what the issue is then
we use clojure.main/demunge
but never require clojure.main
over my head, is clojure.main
not implicitly required by the lang itself?
I don't know
well, I updated the repo with clojure.main for other’s convenience
@matthavener I can definitely repro your issue now
clojure.main stuff apart
sweet! It literally took me 2 days to minify so I was happy to get it small enough 😛
this is going to be hard to fix
my suggestion is you change your build step?
if that's something you can do
yeah, we may have to
its not blocking us anymore, I just needed ast->expr
which I grabbed from
@matthavener the problem seems to be the dynamic require
or not even that, hrm
yeah, I’m not sure. I know if its AOT’d then it seems OK
that makes sense
so the problem is how we make statics work in advanced compilation with the Google Closure Compiler
we need to replace those internal cljs.core
functions before compiling anything Om Next
it's basically an ugly hack
and just like every ugly hack, it comes to bite you when you least expect 🙂
in this case, bite me, because I put it there
because its a dynamic require its not properly hooking into cljs.core early enough? or hooking in before it should?
something like that
but it shouldn't be a problem for most people
and you can work around it too
i blame @cmcfarlen 😛
We ran into it because we are running the cljs compiler from the same jvm as our server app
so the way you fix it is you guarantee that
is required before
which may not be possible
we can totally do that
hrm nope, even that doesn't fix it for me here
but you can always try
yeah, that should be possible
meanwhile there were some situations where clojure.main
wasn't loaded somehow
@anmonteiro The initial symptom of this problem was our compassus Wrapper class was treated as not having IQuery, so the wrapped factory wasn't in computed, but in props. Its feels strange that the factory is obtained differently in the Wrapper depending on if you have a query or not. I understand why it is so, but it is a bit jarring.
@cmcfarlen feel free to open an issue
we can probably change that behavior
might be hard if the wrapper component transacts
then factory won't be there
just something to think about
I was thinking always have them in computed. I'll open an issue and we can discuss there
or having them in both places if not iquery?
^ not a breaking change, and it'll be in computed anyway