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@upgradingdave you're on the right track: the File objects will not have normal Clojure equality semantics (value equality). You can look for dups though if you can grab something unique about them, like their name
(into #{} (map (fn [file] (.-name file))) list-of-files)
hello! what would be the idiomatic way to generate a vector of vectors (fixed size)? my solution uses recursion but i think there is a simpler way to achieve than this:
(defn generate-vector-of-vectors
([n] (generate-vector-of-vectors n []))
([n vector-of-vectors]
(if (zero? n)
(generate-vector-of-vectors (dec n) (conj vector-of-vectors (vec (repeatedly 10 #(rand-int 11))))))))
You just want a vector of empty vectors?
(into [] (repeat n []))
no, a vector of vectors containing random integers
hmmm... (vec (repeat n (repeatedly 10 #(rand-int 11))))
is almost there 😛
someone who can help me mock-up this part
"home.html" {:data {:paintings (-> (client/get url options)
so I can test this function : (defn fetch-paintings-and-images-front-page
(let [paintings (pmap (comp get-data-front-page get-art-object read-json-data) ids)
images (pmap (comp get-image-url read-image-data) ids)]
(mapv merge paintings images)))
which is in another namespaceand is this good :
:args (s/cat :args (s/coll-of ::objectNumber))
the args schould be a collection of objectnumbers where objectnumbers is a string.Is throwing an exception (e.g. version check of a db record for optimistic concurrency) an idiomatic use in Clojure? I've read about failjure ( and ex-info ( My current feeling is that failjure is appropriate for not so exceptional cases, while throwing an exception might be reasonable in truly exceptional cases (like optimistic concurrency?). I would love to read some opinions on this.
I try to solve this failing spec :
:data #:clojure.spec{:problems [{:path [], :pred map?, :val nil, :via [:paintings2.api-get/artObject], :in []}]}
all the code pf my site can be found here :
Trying to use reduced. Using this code sample from (reduce (fn [a v] (if (< a 100) (+ a v) (reduced :big))) (range 10))
I get the following error
CompilerException java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: clojure.core.reduced, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:1)
Aha, I see the problem. Though I have the latest clojure, the version of clooj that I have is using 1.4.0.
The exact code copy/pasted into the Leiningen repl works fine for me. What version do you have?
Anybody do slack webhook integrations?
(http/post ""
{:debug true
:form-params {:payload (json/encode {"text:" “TEST”})}})
status: 500
body: missing_text_or_fallback_or_attachments
not sure how json/encode
works, my code uses a json/generate-string
(json/encode {:text "TEST"})
it was the :
after text in string
if you're using clj-http @josh_tackett , no need to call json/encode. Use :content-type :json and :form-params