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in some ways the first part of this reads like an extended meditation on the incompatibility of the creative spirit with calculations of expected utility


e.g. if I were always concerned about having a clear time-horizon and quantifiable utility for my goals so I could always communicate them to others, I'd either never take on a task with uncertainty involved or just never get any actual work done because I'd be bureaucratically justifying the work


it reminds me a bit of Derek Parfit's argument in Part 2 of Reasons and Persons that there are situations in which it's actually possible to be "irrationally rational"; the only way to actually obtain a good outcome is to make yourself immune from concerns about expected utility. but doing that all the time that sounds a little bit like the "heroics" that Komoroske rightly cautions against and will also probably cause conflict too 🤷:skin-tone-2:


strongly recommend this talk by Joe Edelman as a follow up:

Ben Sless15:06:20

I read it and was instantly reminded of Conway's law and Amdahl's law

respatialized15:06:36 I would also be remiss not to mention the GOAT, Stafford Beer, who spent his entire career thinking through the structure and politics of complex systems and organizations

👀 1
Daniel Craig15:06:58

Sorry, I should have put this in the thread above


I have been absolutely loving dall-e mini

💯 2

Can anybody recommend an api for product retail prices? Use case is to query the prices of phone models. We wouldn't mind doing it once and making a lookup.