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so Alan and I had this case, where old = [1, 2, 3, 4] and new = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] // and we were wondering if there was a way to do this using just 1 node-insert instead of 4 node-updates + 1 node-insert
We ended up considering this from the perspective of edit distances (as in gene sequence laignment); and stopped there.
ran across brenton ashworth's clj diff thing
along the way
oooh i forgot about that
yeah one idea i had was to reverse in css
definitely crazytown tho
iirc, primary key != :reverse true -- since isn't it the programmer's job to specify the primary key ?
if you know ahead of time the two strings differe by at most d diffs, it's O ( N * d) via dynamic programming
// no, since in the second case, the two strings are of length N, (N-d to N+d), but the running time is not O ( N N), but O(N d), which is better when we know before hand that only 2 or 3 items changed //
so if N = 100, and d=2 (other string is ofo elgnth 98, 99, 100, 101, or 102), this is O(100 100) vs O(100 2)
like if you're typing in a input box, you want that dom object instance to stay associated with the thing you're wanting to type in
that is to say, replacing the input element with another one with the same contents is not good enough
in hoplon, if I createda list of textboxs, typed in one of them (but state not recorded in a ny cell), then I inserted a textbox at the top of the list; ... does hoplon preserve the browser input ?
i wonder if we could somehow protocolize the strategy <-- where is kv-tpl ?
kv-tpl would basically be like react's primary key, and would solve all of my complaints 🙂
anyone here managed to use hoplon? I like hoplon's frp model, but I also like re-com 's library
@qqq that's pretty much incompatible with hoplon. To use that you would need to mount the react root on some place in the dom that could be created by hoplon but I think that's pretty much it.