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I haven’t found documentation for make-reaction
optional parameters auto-run
and on-dispose
, could you elaborate on them or tell me where I could find so? Thanks in advance!
(edit: well, as it comes from ns reagent.ratom
I better ask this in #reagent here
hey guys, quick question: what's our current status of embedding re-frame components in other re-frame apps? are we gonna have fully ns qualified keys in the app-db, events and subs? is there a mechanism for us to do it now?
@akiroz there's nothing stopping you using ns-qualified keys now
@mccraigmccraig is there a way for me to embed one re-frame project in another though, or will it just work if I have ns-qualified keys in both projects and include one in the other?
@akiroz it's probably not going to work without some integration effort, because subscriptions and handlers usually have assumptions about app-db structure
Oh alright, so as long as each project uses only their name-spaced part of the app-db, it should be good yeah? <-- where on this page is the place to add in lein dependencies for reframe ?
@qqq: Look right above at the clojars [re-frame "0.9.1"]