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@dotemacs good advice, but Krav Maga, is better 😛
3 things you never argue about: vi vs emacs, static vs dynamic types, and which martial arts style is best, lol
@tbaldridge how can I find a good Krav Maga dojo?
@ejelome have not tried graphql + rethinkdb but had looked at rethinkdb very seriously for a commercial project … sadly just months before expected launch date rethink ( the company behind it ) threw in the towel
yeah, kind of sad, but I think the project is not abandoned (rethinkdb), only their business, imho, it's still much better than its competitors in nosql, e.g. mongodb
has anyone looked at the examples of franzy and can help me with a query? It's todo with require (I think) and a missing dependency, but I can't understand where the franzy examples include it, I've lifted the code directly from the example and I get "no implementation of method: :subscribe-to-partitions!"... but I don't understand where I'm supposed to implement said method - I figured it was part of Franzy in some way.
^ wonderful! actually planning to dive into liberator + rethinkdb, so that's a positive info, thanks @theboth
my first son due imminently and reading what you wrote @tbaldridge gives me hope that you’re still productive with kids
Yeah, it's pretty rough at first, but it gets better. After the first 3-4 months they start sleeping more.