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look up externs inference in CLJS. it tells the compiler that the returned object is a JS object that'll require externs to be generated, which prevent renaming by :advanced optimizations

thanks3 1

How to use re-frame-10x? I followed along with using the +10x option and, browsing localhost:8280, I see the "hello from re-frame" message, so I know that the app-db is {:name "re-frame"} and that the initialize-db event fired. But, in the 10x panel at right, I do not see any events, even though the template used fn-traced for initialize-db. @hen I add a [:name] path inspector it comes up nil instead of showing the value the web page got from the subscription. The subs tab says "There are no subscriptions to show."


Noobie question. Is it possible to redefine a cljs function in another namespace? E.g.

(:require [com.something :as something])

(set! something/hello (fn [] (println "new hello!"))
Will other callers pick up this new definition? If they have already loading the original definition?


that will work for single-arity functions, if you have multi-arities or varargs the compiler emits multiple js functions


i just implemented this for malli instrumentation if you want to see how to go about it


you can view the compiled js code in this tool


try pasting in some functions to see:

(defn hello [] (println "hi"))

(defn hi [& args] (println "args" args))


Taking a 👀 thanks!


Yeah this is multi-arity in this case


Probably best to avoid patching & just fork if need be