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Fredrik Andersson14:10:55

however, now I have created my own macro - how do I make clj-kondo lint that correctly? I have two linter errors coming from my macro

Fredrik Andersson14:10:23

thanks, ill look into it


@U01JYUZRS4V what kind of macro? Do you have an example of its usage?


I'm asking since the syntax of your macro may make it easier or less easy to configure it for clj-kondo

Fredrik Andersson17:10:03

;; define component that depends on resolvers (sub/defcomp app [user-id] [boot [:firebase firebase-config] individual [:firestore [:individual user-id]]] (case (:state @boot) :starting [:div "booting"] :unauthenticated [:div "unauthenticated"] :authenticated (layout/app {:logo [ "Logo"] :user [ "User"] :navigation [ [:div "lalalala"]] :content-top [ "Content top"] :menu [ "Hamburger"] :content [ [:div "lalalala"]]}) [:div "Error"]))

Fredrik Andersson17:10:22

this is the test case for the macro

Fredrik Andersson17:10:10

it becomes a (defn app ...) that in turn use reagent with-let to setup subscriptions to firestore

Fredrik Andersson17:10:37

as far as I understand, I should write a hook that rewrites the code into a (defn <name> [] (let [..

Fredrik Andersson17:10:11

ahh, now I see that everything would be easier if I just let the macro be a new (let bindings instead of the whole function

Fredrik Andersson18:10:37

thanks everybody for your help - I finally solved it by rewriting my macro into a pure binding macro


makes sense

Fredrik Andersson18:10:42

yes, I realize now that I was trying to do too much in my macro and that it wouldn't be according to general consensus


With clj-kondo in general it works best if your new macros align with some existing macro so you can use :lint-as but if not, there's always other ways to do stuff: either by suppressing warnings, or writing hooks.

Fredrik Andersson14:10:39

first, it doesn't recognize that my macro generates a defn and second it doesnt recognize let bindings