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Afternoon all! Moving from clojure over to clojurescript with react. I know there's been a few options over the years - any pointers to a getting started tutorial w/ the current fave?


Can't suggest a tutorial but can suggest tooling and libraries - shadow-cljs + Reagent (maybe with re-frame, the documentation of both is great) or Helix.

Nasiru Ibrahim22:10:36

Then he should check luminus template @U2FRKM4TW ☺️

Jakub Arnold22:10:23

hey guys, any tips for a game engine/framework for cljs? I found play-cljc but it seems pretty dead ... I don't need anything mega fancy, thinking if maybe just using pixi.js directly would be the best solution?

Lone Ranger23:10:35

I’ve had a lot of fun with wrapping phaser.js for 2d and I like Babylon.js for 3D.

Jakub Arnold13:10:23

purely for 2d, I've been trying pixi.js so far and it seems much better documented than phaser hmm, maybe phaser is better tho? I'm having a hard time understanding its "docs by 1000 examples and blog posts" way of explaining things 😅

Lone Ranger13:10:48

If you’re having fun, stick with it!

Lone Ranger13:10:47

This made a big difference to me for phaser:

👍 1
Nasiru Ibrahim22:10:46

Hey guys, I'm looking for a good Drag'n'Drop librart for ClojureScript. I know about Penpot. I want to try from scratch to production, and also not like penpot that renders to svgs. Thanks for any assistance


I just find a wrap a suitable React library since I'm using Reagent in my projects.


Unless you mean specifically something that lets you design UI components by using drag-n-drop. Then no clue, but maybe solutions for React exist just as well.

Nasiru Ibrahim13:10:58

Thanks @U2FRKM4TW, i know some libraries of React like React D'n'D. I mean one built with ClojureScript/Clojure