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Hey. (since there is no ClojureCLR I write here there is #clr and I'll post there too (tbh they look quite dead so I'll post here instead))
How do I compile a cljc
file into a DLL under ClojureCLR and under Linux?
I installed .net 5.0.102 and I also installed Clojure.Main
. And REPL works. But how do I install Clojure.Compile
I think I missed a step in this tutorial:
I don't know the answer but David Miller does watch the clojure clr Google group and answers questions there
I think it wouldn't be too usable because of all of the type specifications that need to be done. It's not as easy as it seems.
If I have two threads open same file concurrently with append=false using io/output-stream
they will be both writing into a different file each, right? There is no way they will be writing into the same file?
probably you'll get undefined / os-specific behavior some months ago I faced some very ugly-looking such behavior due to bad locking (which isn't always a one-liner, depending on which part of IO or NIO you use)
I have a question on the clojure version. Suppose I am using deps.edn, in which I can specify the version of a clojure. If I understand correctly, that would be the clojure that my program is going to use.
However, the clojure
tool which launches my program shall have its OWN dependency of clojure version.
So how come the clojure of my program and the one of the clojure
tool does not conflict? In other words, are they running in the same process or two separate processes?
For that usage, we can consider that clojure
is a bash script that might briefly invoke Clojure if there wasn't a cached value already.
This cached value is a classpath string. java
is invoked with this classpath
At no point two clojure versions coexist
(Lein isn't like that, it has one JVM spawning another JVM, and both coexist for the entirety of the run)
> For that usage, we can consider that `clojure` is a bash script that might briefly invoke Clojure if there wasn’t a cached value already.
Why invoke Clojure
to calculate the classpath? And how is the value be cached? By checking if the checksum of deps.edn?
> Why invoke `Clojure` to calculate the classpath? because tools.deps does it which is a clojure library, taking into account aliases, rules, etc > By checking if the checksum of deps.edn? More or less, yes, probably a few more files (details might vary, I'm not a tools.deps hacker)
The cli contains an uberjar that includes Clojure (with version matching the prefix of the tool version). That uberjar is used in a separate process to calculate the classpath if needed.
Classpath cache is based on the presence and hash of all the deps.edn and some cli params
If you have followups, ask in #tools-deps
quick poll: do you know of -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow
? respond by reacting to this message
⛔ never heard of it
:thinking_face: sounds familiar
✅ oh yeah I always set it in my projects
Shouldn't there be a fourth choice, "Yeah I know it but don't always set it in my projects"? 😛
I'm familiar, and I set it when I'm getting confusing stack-free errors, but not before that
how does the 1.11.x iterated API differ from the existing datafy/nav system ?
Is there a way to, within a certain scope, intercept (System/exit) calls? What i want is to run some code that was intended to be run as a one off through its (-main) and return the exit code without starting a new jvm
You can temporarily modify the security manager to ignore/disallow 'exitVM' calls (example:
In java there is this but is not like a C/C++ <signal.h> handler
It seems that there will be a new API to accomplish commons tasks that the SecurityManager was useful for (e.g.
not to my knowledge - usually I try to factor out the exit into either a wrapper or a supplied exit function
What's the recommended way to cast a character to a byte without reflection? I tried (unchecked-byte ^char value)
and it can't resolve the static method uncheckedByteCast
for char (and there's a similar error with regular byte
(ins)user=> (unchecked-byte \a)
Execution error (ClassCastException) at user/eval1 (REPL:1).
class java.lang.Character cannot be cast to class java.lang.Number (java.lang.Character and java.lang.Number are in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')
(ins)user=> (unchecked-byte (int \a))
doing a double cast like that feels pretty bad, but okay.
Since I already have the insn
dependency in this project I might consider just emitting the bytecode I want then.
there's no cast, it's a type conversion followed by a truncation
(ins)user=> (cast Boolean true)
ins)user=> (cast Boolean 1)
Execution error (ClassCastException) at java.lang.Class/cast (
Cannot cast java.lang.Long to java.lang.Boolean
(int) 1.0
would like to know your location
(if you'll excuse the joke)
it's not using the function cast, sure, but there's definitely a cast in the implementation of the function in RT for most primitive types.
@suskeyhose ByteBuffer might be the most direct thing - remember that a char in java is two bytes
(cmd)user=> (def bb (java.nio.ByteBuffer/allocate 10))
(ins)user=> (.putChar bb 0 \a)
#object[java.nio.HeapByteBuffer 0x56f2bbea "java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=10 cap=10]"]
(cmd)user=> (.get bb 0)
(cmd)user=> (.get bb 1)
I am aware of how chars work, but I'm more concerned with just getting the ascii code point of a char, which is what casting to an integral type does, and I'm doing it in a performance-aware way, so two casts in a row is undesirable, hence I might just emit my own byte code after I check how the double cast performs.
I think doing a byte buffer allocate would be a massive bottleneck here compared to just doing a cast
'cause I don't believe the JVM can optimize away the allocation.
you might want to check the actual perf cost of a 2 byte allocation as well (10 was arbitrary and 2 is what you actually need here)
The actual perf cost of a 2 byte allocation is still a heap allocation rather than a stack one since JVM bytecode is stack based, and once JITed it would also still just be a stack.
I guess the bookkeeping of the buffer itself would be the bigger cost
byte works on chars (I imagine unchecked-byte was just overlooked, because if I recall byte hasn't always)
@hiredman I still get reflection warnings on that, which is what I'm trying to avoid.
user=> (byte (char \a))
Reflection warning, NO_SOURCE_PATH:1:1 - call to static method byteCast on clojure.lang.RT can't be resolved (argument types: char).
user=> (byte \a)
also you'd get exceptions for unicode (which is asumedly why you'd be using unchecked-bytge in the first place)
I don't care about getting exceptions for unicode
this library is about interoperating with C. You'd get segfaults if you successfully passed unicode depending on what system you're using.
most C programs I've worked with would just work with bytes anyway (I guess I don't do much clever string processing) - is there a reason you can't use (.getBytes some-string "UTF-8")
Yes, because I'm making primitive serialization and deserialization functions for operating on ascii code points
If people want to use utf-8 stuff there's already other stuff in the library for dealing with it
with a domain that small, why not a lookup table? it would fit in a method body
a lookup table for 128 items?
first that won't be faster than a cast
second that increases code size
I remember seeing a "weird trick" that let you use something like a combination of ->>
and reverse
maybe to get something surprisingly similar to anyone know the trick I'm talking about?
Thanks! I remembered more of it than I thought. I should have started just typing out macros
So officially a keyword with a dot in the name part is invalid, as per
I made the mistake of calling one of the linters in clj-kondo for deps.edn
: :deps.edn
. Should I change this (with backwards compatibility, goes without saying)?
I wouldn't change this - they're used in a lot of places, and sometimes even in org.clojure/*
code. Found one in e.g. org.clojure/tools.analyzer.jvm
maybe it could be a separate linter, e.g. :strict-keywords
, I'd see myself enabling that
there is an issue about a linter for :invalid-ident
which is closed due to inactivity, but feel free to request re-opening that. what I'm interested in myself is why this would be "bad", other than "these are the rules"
I'm going to introduce another linter for bb.edn
and for consistency I want to name it :bb.edn
but given the above, I'm not sure.
Rich has mentioned that the .
restriction had been relaxed:
> As far as '.', that restriction has been relaxed. I'll try to touch up
> the docs for the next release.
I put this info in the issue here:
Now I can with a conscious mind use :bb.edn
This is also interesting btw:
> Symbols containing / or . are said to be 'qualified'.
Acccording to that,
is qualified? But qualified-symbol?
only returns true
when the symbol has a namespace.
so symbols with '.' in the name are fine, but the compiled always compiles them as class look ups
user=> '
Syntax error (ClassNotFoundException) compiling at (REPL:0:0).
user=> foo
Syntax error compiling at (REPL:0:0).
Unable to resolve symbol: foo in this context
symbols are bits of data and names in programs, and the set of symbols that are allowed for names in programs is a subset of all valid symbols
and the docs that describe what is valid and invalid don't always give the context of where and when
how do keywords relate to class lookups - what would be the reason to consider
the reader docs, of course, only talk about what is valid in the context of reading, my guess is the reason the reader accepts is that it has to accept the symbol and uses the same regex for both tokens
If there is no relation between keywords and classes, then why the latter part (even if I don't understand the first part either): > • They cannot contain '.' in the name part, or name classes.
I think I've had this conversation before, could try to dig back, but maybe it would help if the docs explained this better.
Hey guys I'm playing around with transducers and i want to dynamically construct a transducer function using cond->> and comp but i can't figure out what i should use as an 'identity' transducer
(cond->> identity
from-city (comp (filter (pt/where-fn {:from-city from-city})))
to-city (comp (filter (pt/where-fn {:to-city to-city})))
from-date (comp (filter (fn [{:keys [date]}]
(<= (.getEpochSecond ^Instant from-date)
(.getEpochSecond date)))))
to-date (comp (filter (fn [{:keys [date]}]
(<= (.getEpochSecond date)
(.getEpochSecond ^Instant to-date)))))
minimum-free-seats (comp (filter (fn [{:keys [number-of-seats]}]
(<= minimum-free-seats
identity doesn't work he it doesn't have the correct arities of a transducer
a transducer is a function that takes a reducing function and returns a reducing function
when i do something like
(transduce tf identity rides)
i get an error that that identity is invoked with wrong aritywhere tf is the result of the above code
my bad
I wanted to type (transduce tf conj rides)
I struggled with this for a while until i made the concrete realization of the difference between reducing functions, and transducers > A transducer (sometimes referred to as xform or xf) is a transformation from one reducing function to another: (from
I mistyped identity in the transduce
invokation instead of conj
by accident
Question about reflection warning and case
. Just doing a simple case on (mod some-number 4)
. Getting a reflection warning without a call to int
, but there seems to be no time difference, or perhaps a slight bias towards the non-cast int
annotate=> (time
(dotimes [_ 1000000]
(case (mod 244224 4)
0 :zero
1 :one
2 :two
3 :three)))
Performance warning, NO_SOURCE_PATH:589:16 - case has int tests, but tested expression is not primitive.
"Elapsed time: 32.173417 msecs"
annotate=> (time
(dotimes [_ 1000000]
(case (int (mod 244224 4))
0 :zero
1 :one
2 :two
3 :three)))
"Elapsed time: 29.664709 msecs"
i know there’s lots of stuff going on with case, but i’m surprised to see that case has “int tests” rather than long. Is it only reflecting once in compiling the case and not in executing it?
I think that is a simple enough bit of code that that any kind of noise is going to effect it a lot
when I run the two examples locally the case with the int case is a little over 2x (twice as fast) the one with out
This is something to do with how it's encoded into JVM byte code right? That it doesn't some sort of int-based jump table?
or I guess, depending, but int keys in both cases
I’m looking at the byte code for both variations, and it’s identical:
0: getstatic #15 // Field const__0:Lclojure/lang/Var;
3: invokevirtual #20 // Method clojure/lang/Var.getRawRoot:()Ljava/lang/Object;
6: checkcast #22 // class clojure/lang/IFn
9: getstatic #26 // Field const__1:Ljava/lang/Object;
12: getstatic #29 // Field const__2:Ljava/lang/Object;
15: invokeinterface #33, 3 // InterfaceMethod clojure/lang/IFn.invoke:(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
20: astore_0
21: aload_0
22: instanceof #35 // class java/lang/Number
25: ifeq 128
28: aload_0
29: checkcast #35 // class java/lang/Number
32: invokevirtual #39 // Method java/lang/Number.intValue:()I
35: tableswitch { // 0 to 3
0: 64
1: 80
2: 96
3: 112
default: 128
Lines 0-6: the const__0 var holds the value of clojure.core/mod
, which is extracted and tested to see that it’s an IFn
Lines 9-12: const__1 holds 244224, const__2 holds 4
Line 15: perform the (mod 244224 4)
Lines 20-21: redundant store/load
Line 22-25: Ensure this is a number. Will throw IllegalArgumentException if it isn’t (on line 128: not shown)
Line 28: reload the checked value
Line 29: No really… is it a number? Will throw ClassCastException is it isn’t
Line 32: unbox the number
Line 35: use this number to find the next address to run
I thought if there was a difference it would be around lines 22-32, but I got no difference at all between both versions of the above code.Sorry… when I see someone speculate that it might be bytecode related, then I have to know what it actually looks like 🙂
@U051N6TTC so the warning is misleading? or maybe there's a case where having a known int
produces "better" bytecode and the (int x)
case should also be flagged with that warning?
Looking at the code, it seems like there could be a path that produces shorter bytecode:
private void emitExprForInts(ObjExpr objx, GeneratorAdapter gen, Type exprType, Label defaultLabel){
if (exprType == null)
.format("Performance warning, %s:%d:%d - case has int tests, but tested expression is not primitive.\n",
SOURCE_PATH.deref(), line, column);
expr.emit(C.EXPRESSION, objx, gen);
gen.ifZCmp(GeneratorAdapter.EQ, defaultLabel);
expr.emit(C.EXPRESSION, objx, gen);
gen.invokeVirtual(NUMBER_TYPE, intValueMethod);
else if (exprType == Type.LONG_TYPE
|| exprType == Type.INT_TYPE
|| exprType == Type.SHORT_TYPE
|| exprType == Type.BYTE_TYPE)
expr.emitUnboxed(C.EXPRESSION, objx, gen);
gen.cast(exprType, Type.INT_TYPE);
but I would have expected (int x)
to trigger the exprType == _TYPE
branch -- what am I missing?I know this isn't bytecode but I assume it's indicative of bytecode?
user=> (decompile (case (mod 123456789 54321) 0 true 1 false :what))
Performance warning, cjd.clj:1:1 - case has int tests, but tested expression is not primitive.
// Decompiling class: user$fn__5917
if (G__5916 instanceof Number) {
switch (((Number)G__5916).intValue()) {
case 0: {
if (Util.equiv(G__5916, user$fn__5917.const__3)) {
return Boolean.TRUE;
case 1: {
if (Util.equiv(G__5916, user$fn__5917.const__4)) {
return Boolean.FALSE;
return user$fn__5917.const__5;
user=> (decompile (case (int (mod 123456789 54321)) 0 true 1 false :what))
// Decompiling class: user$fn__5922
Serializable s = null;
switch (G__5921) {
case 0: {
s = Boolean.TRUE;
case 1: {
s = Boolean.FALSE;
default: {
s = user$fn__5922.const__6;
return s;
I omitted a line from each there which I should have included:
final Object G__5916 = ((IFn)user$fn__5917.const__0.getRawRoot()).invoke(user$fn__5917.const__1, user$fn__5917.const__2);
final int G__5921 = RT.intCast(((IFn)user$fn__5922.const__1.getRawRoot()).invoke(user$fn__5922.const__2, user$fn__5922.const__3));
so there's the int
cast going in and the G
var is int
rather than Object
. Interesting.(I haven't dug into this level of stuff much before so I'm probably not interpreting it correctly...?)
Sorry… was having dinner. And my kids are asking for hot chocolates, so I have limited time 🙂 ☕️
Ah… my apologies! I had a typo, and it ended up printing the same code twice instead of the other
Lines 0-15 are identical (all the way up to executing the mod
function), but then it goes:
20: invokestatic #39 // Method clojure/lang/RT.intCast:(Ljava/lang/Object;)I
23: istore_0
24: iload_0
25: tableswitch
So the 2 checks for Number are skipped, and instead it calls RT.intCast
Here we are:
public static int intCast(java.lang.Object);
0: aload_0
1: instanceof #299 // class java/lang/Integer
4: ifeq 15
7: aload_0
8: checkcast #299 // class java/lang/Integer
11: invokevirtual #300 // Method java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
14: ireturn
so it’s almost the same code, with the exception that it has to go through an extra function call (into RT.intCast
). Not having the cast basically does the same thing inline
Nice. So adding the int
cast to make the warning go away doesn't really help in terms of performance, but an expression that genuinely returns an int
would be faster. Thank you!
Now that I know all of this, you can skip the checkcast and the call to an external function by using interop:
(case (.intValue ^Long (mod 244224 4))
0 :zero
1 :one
2 :two
3 :three)
This gives something similar to the call to intCast
but only does a single check before calling intValue
0: getstatic #15 // Field const__0:Lclojure/lang/Var;
3: invokevirtual #20 // Method clojure/lang/Var.getRawRoot:()Ljava/lang/Object;
6: checkcast #22 // class clojure/lang/IFn
9: getstatic #26 // Field const__1:Ljava/lang/Object;
12: getstatic #29 // Field const__2:Ljava/lang/Object;
15: invokeinterface #33, 3 // InterfaceMethod clojure/lang/IFn.invoke:(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
20: checkcast #35 // class java/lang/Long
23: invokevirtual #39 // Method java/lang/Long.intValue:()I
26: istore_0
27: iload_0
28: tableswitch { // 0 to 3
Am I doing something wrong here then?
user=> (decompile (case (.intValue ^Long (mod 123456789 54321)) 0 true 1 false :what))
Reflection warning, cjd.clj:1:7 - reference to field intValue can't be resolved.
Performance warning, cjd.clj:1:1 - case has int tests, but tested expression is not primitive.
I ended up with this:
user=> (decompile (let [l (mod 123456789 54321)] (case (.intValue ^Long l) 0 true 1 false :what)))
// Decompiling class: user$fn__5956
final Object l = ((IFn)user$fn__5956.const__0.getRawRoot()).invoke(user$fn__5956.const__1, user$fn__5956.const__2);
final int G__5957 = ((Long)l).intValue();
Serializable s = null;
switch (G__5957) {
case 0: {
s = Boolean.TRUE;
case 1: {
s = Boolean.FALSE;
default: {
s = user$fn__5956.const__5;
return s;
It doesn’t look like you’ve done anything wrong, but I don’t know much about decompile
so I can’t say