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clj-kondo 4

I have one macro defined and used many times in one file that is throwing large numbers of "Unresolved symbol" warnings from clj-kondo. According to the documentation, one can configure clj-kondo with namespace local config using `:clj-kondo/config` metadata in the namespace form. Is there an example of how to do this anywhere on the web? I've searched and can't seem to figure out where/how to put this metadata so it would effect the throwing of these warnings.


Thank you.


Sure thing,. Let me know if you have any further questions. There's probably an even better solution for your macro, so if you give me some details, perhaps I can help you with that.


The macro gets passed a set of binding vars that get used in a let in the body of the macro. Each variable in the binding form generates one of the unresolved-symbol messages. In case it helps, here is the macro:

(defmacro expand [tag pnames err-check-fn err-check-msg fmt & fmt-args]
  `{~(keyword tag) {:exp-fn 
                    (fn [~'ss ~'rw]
                      (let [~pnames (:params ~'rw)]
                       (if (not (~err-check-fn ~'rw))
                         [(error (~err-check-msg ~'rw))]
                          ((partial pp/cl-format nil ~fmt) ~@fmt-args))))}})


do you mean ss and rw?


I think you could pretty much paste this macro in a file called .clj-kondo/macros.clj and then add this to your configuration in .clj-kondo/config.edn

{:hooks {:macroexpand { macros/expand}}}
You will have to fully qualify pp/cl-format to clojure.pprint/cl-format


No - it's complaining on the variables that get passed into pnames. Here's an example use of the macro:

             "Eligibility Gate"
             [coveragePeriod maxGaps maxGapDays type class]
             #(= 5 (count (:params %)))
             #(pp/cl-format nil "Wrong number of parameters in definition of ~a." (stringify (:name %)))
             "define ~a: ~a(~a, ~a, ~a, ~a, ~a)"
             (stringify (:name rw)) (stringify (:fn rw)) coveragePeriod maxGaps maxGapDays (unstring-null (s/lower-case type) "String") (unstring-null (s/lower-case class) "String"))
Its warning about the symbols coveragePeriod, maxGaps, maxGapDays, type, and class.


I'm also using deps.edn, if that makes any difference in the configuration.


ok, try the macro suggestion or else you can use the config for unresolved-symbol. the docs are here:


Thanks again.