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> the inspector is half way there, but the datafy/nav protocols are really what makes REBL interesting
Yep, we do plan to leverage it at some point, but there’s never enough time for everything. I think this won’t be hard. //cc @alexyakushev.
@carkh I can’t imagine why it wouldn’t work, as it’s not tied to ClojureScript in any way. What exactly happens for you?
As this is baked straight into nREPL it should be impossible for it not to work unless the request doesn’t contain a printing function.
in this last example i eval a long edn data in clojurescript (in cider repl), it is not pretty printed, then i exit clojurescript, and evaluate the same edn in clojure, it is now pretty printed
i'm using cider-jack-in-cljs "C-c M-J" with shadow-cljs (had the same trouble with figwheel)
@carkh See and
hum i had those problems with figwheel, but that's a good while back so i guess it might be fixed in this case
I’m reasonably certain that if you start some cljs REPL using say figwheel or something simpler like nashorn the printing might actually work.
You might also open some GitHub issue for @thheller pointing him to and subsequent commits. Changes that had to be done for Piggieback to play well with nREPL 0.6.
is there a functional equivalent to cider-quit
-> cider-jack-in
. Not that two strokes is a big deal. i have given up on trying to dynamically adding libs to my project, it seems to break or at least its giving me anxiety 🙂.
I had this issue with CIDER lately - when I use lein on jack-in I don't start in the main namespace of the lein project and the user-ns has no clojure.repl-ns preloaded. I was told this should not be so, but I wanted to be sure, so could someone tell me whether this is indeed unexpected behaviour?
@U050ECB92 did you get it solved?
seems like it needs a filename. if you set that presumably it will write stuff there?
we have multiple projects at the same root including a cljs version. seems repl history does not discriminate there. not sure if that will be a pain point for you
I just upgraded to Cider 0.21 - from 0.15, now my environment seems trashed, both for clj and cljs. I am getting the following in my mini-buffer: ‘cider-jack-in-cljs’ requires the nREPL op “classpath” (provided by-cider-nrepl) Any idea how to fix this? Thx..
do you have cider-nrepl version injected by CIDER or do you have it in project.clj or in your lein profiles?
@d.eltzner what version of lein/CIDER are you using?
@dpsutton i just skimmed over the emacs cider-customizations, there does not seem to be any particular opt that would control what you last asked - how would one configure what nrepl-version cider uses? as to my question, lein 2.9.0, cider nrepl is 0.21.1
looks like that fix is already applied buy not released yet. if you get from melpa (22.0snapshot) you'll have it though
I know really little about elisp, so what exactly did you mean it's terrifying? is this diff something that should/could have been obvious to me, or is it that it actually takes string "nil"?
@dpsutton I am using lein 2.8.1, and just saw from lein --version, that ‘cider-nrepl’ requires 2.8.3+. I will try that and see what happens….thx
this happens because CIDER switched from tools.nrepl -> nrepl/nrepl. Check your deps for that and you may need to bump. They are poisonous to each other
@dpsutton yeah indeed, I tried first removing nrepl decls from my profiles.clj, to no avail…
Funny…emacs is frozen when I try jack-in-clj, with “Direct connection to localhost:xxx established”, but when I started jack-in-clj/cljs, the cljs console comes up fine, and an error with clj-refactor middleware came up
one thing to try: check *Messages*
buffer for the startup invocation lein ....
copy and paste that into a terminal and see what it says
@dpsutton The relevant line in Messages buffer: [nREPL] Starting server via /Users/kingcode/bin/lein update-in :dependencies conj \[nrepl\ \“0.6.0\“\] -- update-in :dependencies conj \[cider/piggieback\ \“0.4.0\“\] -- update-in :plugins conj \[refactor-nrepl\ \“2.4.0\“\] -- update-in :plugins conj \[cider/cider-nrepl\ \“0.21.1\“\] -- repl :headless :host localhost... [WARNING] No nREPL middleware descriptor in metadata of #’refactor-nrepl.middleware/wrap-refactor, see nrepl.middleware/set-descriptor! nREPL server started on port 54819 on host localhost - <nrepl://localhost:54819>
it is more of an emacs question, but i really fail trying to do that upgrade. first i cant find out which melpa snapshot i am referring with neither and emacs, then upgrading in package-list-packages did nothing and downloading and replacing cider 20190216.2255 by hand broke cider badly, so was probably a stupid idea - and replacing it back with the old version left packages-list-packages saying it was deleted although cider at least works fine now. soooo ... how does emacs work?
@kingcode make sure you have the latest nrepl-refactor. Probably remove it while you get everything working again
The issue had to do with figwheel-sidecar using an old tools.nrepl dep - I used an other version which fixed the issue.
@dpsutton I have to manually jack-in clj now, but it is working together with the cljs. It seems the key bindings all changed - jack-in, + refactor bidings don’t work anymore…
cider-jackin-clj and -cljs, they used to both start with C-c M-J. No longer works that way…
So to resume, when I C-c M-J, only the cljs repl client comes up. So, I start C-c M-j separately, instantiate my server, and reload the web page and it now works as before - but what a headache…EDIT: duh! somehow I was out of clj-refactor mode, everything is good now. Actually I prefer starting the clj repl manually, which I do first - in the old version C-c M-J always produces the figwheel repl first and a js error due to server not being up. Thanks!
OK thx. Your help is very appreciated! Will check up on all this and see if I can smooth things up 🙂
i defined a bunch of connections like that. you could make your own startup function
Does this ring any bells for anyone?
cljr--get-error-value: Error in nrepl-refactor: java.lang.AssertionError: Assert failed: (instance? rdr)
is getting an "old" version of my $path. cider-jack-in's output doesn't have /Library/Java...
my path is constructed in my .profile
. this behavior survives reboot.
and i have set my JAVA_CMD="/Library/", which a terminal picks up, but same behavior for cider-jack-in.
and lein repl
from the terminal works.
you don't need to use the package but this is your issue (i think). Emacs path != shell path
this is a new problem for me, since my work is on java 8, but there's a cool project that uses java 12. by the time i switched back to java 8 to build prod, oracle no longer has jdk8 publicly. so i went to openjdk. and now here i am. anyway thanks let me take a look
guys, I'm having this problem with cider:
ERROR: Unhandled REPL handler exception processing message {:op midje-test-stacktrace, :ns user.query-test, :index 0, :print-fn clojure.lang/println, :session 972a0590-f8b7-4349-ae22-b541d7c381a1, :id 24}