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Hey all, I'm trying to host a simple Reagent and Re-Frame project on github's gh-pages, but it's not working for me
Here's the repo:
This is the live site link:
I'm getting the error "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () Uncaught ReferenceError: kablamo is not defined at"
btw kablamo is the name is the whole project (scaffolded it with 'lein new re-frame kablamo")
I just ran lein cljsbuild once min
and pushed the stuff in kablamo/resources/public to the branch named gh-pages
Seems to be working for me @derpocious -- what am I supposed to see?
there should be yellow and red lines moving around forming some text
For me it just shows a blank blue page
and the errors in the console
I see the moving text -- and the re-frisk debugger pop-out.
And that's with Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 so it's not like the bar is very high... 🙂
hmm I just tried on a different computer, and that one is showing the errors also
just a blank blue page
anyway, I have to go to sleep. will try more tomorrow. thanks
it works for me - just a warning, it is trying to connect to figwheel on my localhost, and while I'm not certain I could mess with your server by connecting to the app via figwheel, I'm also not certain I couldn't
What is the relationship between new Clojure Deps and other dependendency management tools like Lein? Are they complementary or do I still have to use only project.clj to define the dependencies?
Because I really like featues like referencing dependency directly from Github however I don't understand from the article if I can use it directly in my project or only for REPL development purposes
@petr.mensik tools.deps
is a low-level library that other tools can build on top of. In the Boot world we have that brings pretty much all the (readonly) functionality of tools.deps
to Boot.
I think there are efforts to produce Leiningen plugins to do all this but they are not so far along yet.
The main difference is that clj
and tools.deps
are about running Clojure code, not building artifacts etc. Boot (and Leiningen) are about building and deploying artifacts.
@seancorfield Thanks for clarification 🙂
I'm constantly surprised at the questions around tools.deps
but I guess the Clojure/core folks are just failing to communicate what its purpose really is... It doesn't replace lein
/ boot
@seancorfield I understand that tools.deps
is not a build tool however I didn't quite grasp how it complements with dependency management tools we already have
There is no mention of Leiningen nor Boot in the article so I guess that's what causes the confusion (at least it caused it in my case 🙂 )
Yeah, I think maybe @alexmiller needs to think about the message around that?
We've been using deps.edn
files at work for ages (albeit in a different format) so tools.deps
has just seemed like a natural adjunct to existing build tools to me...
...but I guess we're not "typical" 🙂
I wonder what to do with leiningen if you have a build with dependencies on github. Most likely they will be included in the sources I think? In oder for other projects depending on it not getting them also from github?
Can someone help me understand how this works?
(def line "foo:bar")
(clojure.string/split line #":") ;; => ["foo" "bar"]
(into {} (clojure.string/split line #":")) ;; => java.lang.Character cannot be cast to java.util.Map$Entry
(into {} [(clojure.string/split line #":")]) ;; => {"foo" "bar"}
to be more specific, I don't understand why the second doesn't work and the third does
into {}
expects a list of lists, with the inner set of lists each having 2 items corresponding to the key and the value
ah, ok. didn't realize that it was expecting a list of lists. that makes sense
while vectors are also collections, in the case of putting them into a map, they are single values
I’m over-simplifying a bit, but that’s the specific case you’re seeing anyway.
so you need the vectors for the k/v of the map, and then a collection around that for the reduce
yeah i guess it wouldn't make much sense for it to take just a vector, since it could have an arbitrary number of elements instead of 2
notice that if you use conj
directly, you don't need the wrapping:
=> (conj {} [:a 2])
{:a 2}
thanks for your help!
@nickstares0 Note, it's not a "list of lists" it's a "coll" of "vectors", if you did a (into {} [(seq (str/split "foo:bar" #":"))])
it would also fail. It works since str/split
returns a vector
ah, gotcha. so
(into {} (seq [(clojure.string/split "foo:bar" #":")]))
works because it could be any coll of vectorsi have a lein project, and it was working fine yesterday, but now when i do lein run
, it just hangs. it prints one line that says: 2018-01-29 10:26:58,081 [main] DEBUG org.jboss.logging - Logging Provider: org.jboss.logging.Slf4jLoggerProvider
but nothing happens and if i refresh my browser it says it can’t connect to the server. what could be causing this?
@feihong.hsu It looks like something is getting stuck during server start-up. Maybe you have an invalid configuration setting somewhere? What changed since yesterday?
Can someone help me? What would be the idiomatic way to do some action depending on which key a map has? I have a list of maps like [{ :x 1 } {:y 2}] and I want to do something if the map has the first structure and something different for the other. I can have many different structures.
you could use or with for that
@manutter51 that’s the weird thing. i haven’t changed any configuration settings in more than a week (that i know of). when i create a new leiningen project, it’s able to start up just fine. but if i did have an invalid configuration setting, wouldn’t it error out instead of just hanging?
@feihong.hsu I dunno, it’s kind of hard to tell. Do you know what changed since the last time it ran correctly? Have you done a lein clean
do ctrl-\ to dump your stack and see where it’s hung (or if it’s a separate process you can kill -3 the pid)
or use jstack
@manutter51 so i finally found the problem but it wasn’t a change in configuration. it was an additional require that i put in env/dev/clj/user.clj
. at first i thought it was a problem with circular imports, but i remember that when i did that before, i got an error message. the other weird thing is that i have another source file that has very similar imports and that one doesn’t cause the app to hang. happy to provide a link to my source code on github if that would help.
@manutter51 argh, ignore the above. it doesn’t have anything to do with require. i was making a call to a function inside user.clj, but that function was not able to complete for some reason.
yesterday I’ve asked about sending message between producer/consumers using channels. finally I could manage and was able to solve cheers and thx guys
Hey guys how can I count key-value to a new object some like this:
input -> {:type1 [{:type type1}] :type2 [{:type type2} {:type type2} {:type type2}]}
output -> {:type1 1 :type2 3}
wow. real glad I was trolling this to learn this usage of juxt. didn't know how to reason about this function until now. clever.
just for the sake of providing you options to reason about, @U8VF9ATKQ, that's the kind of thing I would typically see as
#(zipmap (keys %) (map count (vals %))
but I kind of dig the usage of juxt.(map (fn [base_item]
(prn "TEST")
(map (fn [target_item]
(prn "TEST")
(when (match-percent-logic base_item
[base_item target_item]))
`java.lang.NullPointerException: null clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeInstanceMethod /Users/jtackett/Desktop/Foodbam/food_matching/src/food_matching/match.clj:145 food-matching.match/match-percent-logic /Users/jtackett/Desktop/Foodbam/food_matching/src/food_matching/match.clj:107 food-matching.match/match-percent-logic /Users/jtackett/Desktop/Foodbam/food_matching/src/food_matching/match.clj:183 food-matching.match/matching-engine[fn] core.clj:2646 clojure.core/map[fn] clojure.lang.LazySeq.sval clojure.lang.LazySeq.seq clojure.lang.RT.seq core.clj:137 clojure.core/seq core_print.clj:46 clojure.core/print-sequential`
what am I messing up here?
the error is inside match-percent-logic
@noisesmith but first line in match-percent-logic is a prn
and I don't see the prn
also, FYI, a nested map can usually be replaced with for (for [x items y items :when (match-percent-logic x y)] [x y])
*(fixed the binding names to match)
Ah very cool
@josh_tackett the stack trace says that match-percent-logic was called
strange ok
I'll look deeper
thank you
@noisesmith why am I seeing my prn's in the output of the map?
(("Starting match algorithm . . . " "Item 1 > > > " <result> . . .
because map is lazy
the prints happen as the items are realized
if you capture the output of map, you can make more sense of it
eg (def foo (doall ...))
(now all the printlns are done) (pprint foo)
(map (fn [base_item]
(map (fn [target_item]
(when (match-percent-logic base_item
[base_item target_item]))
like so ^^^ ?
a favorite trick of mine is to use data side effects instead of i/o side effects
right but inside a def
because the def will just return nil
(let [
_ (prn "Items - > " items)
;; Now do the N^2 checking to see if the matches...well...match
matches (doall
(map (fn [base_item]
(map (fn [target_item]
(when (match-percent-logic base_item
[base_item target_item]))
still seeing the prn
that still doesn't fix it
nvm go it
you probably need a nested doall
just using mapv and mapv
sure, that's another way to accomplish it
anyway, what I was saying about capturing data side effects rather than doing i/o side effects (defonce debug (atom []))
(map (fn [x] (swap! debug conj {:x x}) (f x)) items)
then you can programatically access and work with the values being captured, instead of just reading them on the screen
@noisesmith ok now we're talking, was just about to ask you how to speed up this algo so its not N^2
clojure.math.combinatorics might help there
What's that for?
for efficiently generating combinations of an input
I don't think applies here
I'm basically doing millions of string comparisons with a nested map
a nested map is a naiive way to get all combinations of two items in an input
if you only want distinct combinations, or only want combinations where the two items are not the same, there's optimizations possible
No I'm looking at fuzzy string comparison
so basically the fastest way to see which items in the list match each other via a fuzzy string comparison
I'm talking about the wrapping context, that's the thing that is n^2
you map items inside map items, which means you are comparing every pair of elements in items
if the thing you want to optimize isn't in the code you've shared I can't help much with that unless you show more
you could use a memoized function for the comparison, so that you never calculate the same comparison twice
depending on whether you expect the data to repeat
all I need to optimize is what I've shared @noisesmith so maybe I'm just confused
what is best way to optimize nested (map (map ...) ...)
i think his point is that the only way you can optimize map map
is to do less work. and to do less work you need to know what you are doing and figure out a way to prune the search space. but all we know is that you need to compare all strings. and if so, there's no short cut around that
well, the shortcut could be eliminating duplicate comparisons, or caching the comparison function with memoize
but you need more context to know for sure
@noisesmith maybe I can make some of the process async to speed it up?
you could parallelize sure
how would you parallize that loop?
check out the reducers namespace - there's probably something there that's optimal
in fact, there's drop-in replacements for map in there iirc
looks like what you would want is fold
with the map
(or maybe r/map which isn't a transducer (precedes those) but has similar purpose)
so just swap map for r/map ?
ah wait I see
just wrap it in fold
not quite - you need to put it inside a fold, which needs a reducing function
the reducing function would basically be a conj - also your when
can become r/filter I think
[#object[clojure.core.reducers$folder$reify__6593 0x67999bad "clojure.core.reducers$folder$reify__6593@67999bad"]
(mapv (fn [base_item]
(mapv (fn [target_item]
(r/filter (match-percent-logic base_item
[(:din base_item)
(:din target_item)]))
so now I'm getting objects, do I just need to deref them?
r/filter needs to be inside r/fold
I was saying that once you use r/fold and r/map, you can also use r/filter and simplify that inner logic
(r/map (fn [base_item]
(r/map (fn [target_item]
(r/filter (match-percent-logic base_item
[(:din base_item)
(:din target_item)]))
r/map has to be inside r/fold
hahaha should have known
should I just wrap the outer loop in fold?
or both maps?
I'd take the time to read the clojure guide on reducers - I haven't used them seriously yet, but your use case looks like a good one for reducers
(r/map (fn [base_item]
(r/map (fn [target_item]
(r/filter (match-percent-logic base_item
[(:din base_item)
(:din target_item)]))
so that works, but the response is a bunch of objects
rather than the actual result
@noisesmith maybe I should move this to actual clojure channel?
maybe? these are still beginner questions, but use your best judgment - I think some of the examples in the "Using Reducers" section on the clojure guide I linked to look a lot like your use-case
(r/map (fn [base_item]
(r/map (fn [target_item]
(r/filter (match-percent-logic base_item
[(:din base_item)
(:din target_item)]))
I run this loop and get a bunch of objects:
#object[clojure.core.reducers$folder$reify__6593 0x20038b5c "clojure.core.reducers$folder$reify__6593@20038b5c"]
What is the best way to get the actual result?so I agree this is a great lib
but nothing in there says how to deref after
it just shows the result...well...working haha
Using Reducers shows it
not really though right?
(require '[clojure.core.reducers :as r])
(r/fold + (r/filter even? (r/map inc [1 1 1 2])))
;=> 6
it shows this
but that's not very different from what I have
and they just show the reuslt
it looks like either (into [] ...) or (r/foldcat ...)
nah still objects
r/map might not work directly in the nested way - you might need an inner foldcat, into, or fold
(r/map (fn [base_item]
(r/map (fn [target_item]
(r/filter (match-percent-logic base_item
[(:din base_item)
(:din target_item)]))
but they have a nested map in their example?
foldcat is just the same as (r/fold conj ....)
So just got it working, but ironically its not any faster hahaha
hmm... well it's implicitly parallelizing supposedly - what was the final thing that made it work?
I removed the r/filter and got an actual result
I'm going to try it with more items and see the difference in speed
let's see what they say in #clojure @noisesmith
Also @noisesmith do you know a way to make sure that loops don't return a bunch of nils but rather just skip the result?
[["28622" "28622"] nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil]
this is forcing me to go through the list again
you can use (vec (keep ...)) instead of mapv
or use for
which takes a :when
if you are OK with [[a b] nil] turning into [a b] you can use mapcat instead of map
or (into [] (mapcat ...) coll)
I would suggest breaking this thing apart @josh_tackett... too much going on in one expression
@ghadi yes after we get it working I'll obviously make it more modular
its actually work now 😉
sometimes its easier to see the function all together rather than trying to follow through many defn's
@noisesmith that reducer lib was a big help thank you