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Can query-v be passed into input signals when using the :<- [:sub]
Going to answer my own question here with no. Looking at the source:
(let [[marker vec] input-args]
(when-not (= :<- marker)
(console :error err-header "expected :<-, got:" marker))
(fn inp-fn
([_] (subscribe vec))
([_ _] (subscribe vec))))
@caleb.macdonaldblack if you want to do fancier things you can just pass a subscription function
as the first arg
@danielcompton I ended up working that out. Cheers. It’s really cool that we can do this with subs. Makes things much simpler and more efficient!
@danielcompton What is the dynamic-vec used for?
(fn [query-vec dynamic-vec]
[(subscribe [:a-sub])
(subscribe [:b-sub])])
I think it returned nil when I logged it
@caleb.macdonaldblack use of dynamic-vec is pretty much deprecated these days (because it is unneeded)
I could explain it ... but then I'd just have to tell you to forget everything I'd just said :-)
@mikethompson All good then. :thumbsup:
I’m having this error when getting the dependencies for a lein re-frame project:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter, compiling:(cljs/util.cljc:1:1)
I googled it and this error is all over the place when building java tools, not only clojure
So it appears is a Java 9 vs figwheel issue
Yeah, I think this is a pretty popular problem that is faced right now in trying to use Java9
Yep, I wrote with a full set of upgrade instructions for Java 9 use
:jvm-opts ["-XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions" "--add-modules java.xml.bind"]
This should work on 7,8,9 without modification