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@malcolmsparks: I just noticed that the PUT method seems to be overwriting my http status codes, is this by design?
(request [_ ctx]
(let [f (get-in ctx [:resource :methods (:method ctx) :response]
(fn [_] (d/error-deferred
(ex-info (format "Resource %s does not provide a handler for :put" (type (:resource ctx)))
{:status 500}))))]
(f ctx)
(fn [res]
(assoc-in ctx [:response :status]
;; TODO: A 202 may be not what the user wants!
;; TODO: See RFC7240
(d/deferred? res) 202
(ctx/exists? ctx) 204
:otherwise 201))))))
Ah, you're right - I haven't got something similar to POST (interpret-post-result) therefore you can't return responses. Let me fix that. You're returning a modified (:response ctx) in your handler?
yes, for example when my domain finds that a request in unauthorized I explicitly set 401 in the response
OK, are you able to take an updated yada release?
ok, give me a few mins
[yada "1.1.0-20160207.113859-19"]
Travis CI passing
In other news, I'm now in documentation mode much more now and have broken the user-manual into chapters. I'm publishing the user-manual as a e-book but the markdown sources will always be available in the yada repo
The old single-file format was become unwieldy
yeah, sorry, I pasted the -20 line into the README, killed the -19 line, and that was in my yank buffer when I pasted to slack - schoolboy error!
I need to go on a copy-and-paste training course
oh sorry @dominicm is that another slack faux-pas from me? I must learn to react properly