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so…the page on Dynamic Subscriptions gives all kinds of warnings. Is there an example that does not?
@actsasgeek: what kind of warnings? Warnings in browser console, or warnings in the example text?
warnings in the example text, at the top of the file…”Attention! This page is still under construction! What's written here could be misleading, out of date, incorrect, or just plain wrong.” LOL
right, ah...
It should be ok
I may not need dynamic subscriptions or perhaps there’s a different approach. Basically, I have a form-3 component that shows a d3 chart.
I have a list of variables. I would like to click on the list and have that variable shown in the chart.
Honestly, at that point, I don’t care if the entire component were regenerated from scratch but exactly how do that is eluding me for some reason.