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How can I make vim-surround stop inserting extra spaces for example when replacing parenthesis with brackets?

Nikolay Kotsev06:05:13

IIRC giving an opening bracket (e.g. () in the command will insert extra spaces, while using closing ones ) wouldn’t. For example if you are in the middle of the word surround and use ysiw( it will yield ( surround ), while using ysiw) will result in (surround).

👍 3

Oh wow, never realized that. Thanks!


Whilst I can't speak for vim-surround, I use vim-sandwich which works with text objects similarly to vim-surround ( From their docs...For example, a key sequence saiw( makes foo to (foo).


Perhaps worth an evaluation? (ha! no pun intended!)


vim-surround inserts whitespace around the parenthesis/brackets when using (/`[` and not when using )/`]`