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Fredrik Andersson07:05:04

Hi, since a while ago I experience a problem with the HUD. I get a Lua exception

E5108: Error executing lua ...e/fredrik/.cache/vim/plugged/conjure/lua/conjure/log.lua:174: Expected Lua number
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'win_is_valid'
        ...e/fredrik/.cache/vim/plugged/conjure/lua/conjure/log.lua:174: in function 'display_hud'
        ...e/fredrik/.cache/vim/plugged/conjure/lua/conjure/log.lua:334: in function 'display_request'
        .../fredrik/.cache/vim/plugged/conjure/lua/conjure/eval.lua:120: in function <.../fredrik/.cache/vim/plugged/conjure/lua/conjure/eval.lua:115>
        .../fredrik/.cache/vim/plugged/conjure/lua/conjure/eval.lua:143: in function 'eval_str'
        .../fredrik/.cache/vim/plugged/conjure/lua/conjure/eval.lua:176: in function 'current-form'
        [string ":lua"]:1: in main chunk
I have tried to figure out what the problem is. But I really don't have any experience of Lua or Vim plugin programming. Is there anyone who could tell me what I should do to get the HUD working again?


Could you try deleting the conjure install and redownloading it. Just in case it's not updating properly?


Also, which version of Neovim are you using?


And are you using impatient to cache your Lua?

Fredrik Andersson08:05:06

NVIM v0.7.0 Build type: Release LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3

Fredrik Andersson08:05:44

ill try and delete Conjure installation

Fredrik Andersson08:05:49

i dont use impatient

Fredrik Andersson08:05:15

I tried to delete my plugins and reinstalled them

Fredrik Andersson08:05:22

still the same error


Hmm. This was a bug I fixed a while back which was caused by a breaking change in Neovim, not caused by Conjure. So I added code to handle 0.6 and 0.7. I actually caught a colleague running into this yesterday and got them to update and it was fine after that.


They actually had a second copy of conjure (an old one) under their Neovim pack start directory. That was stepping in and loading before the up to date version.

Fredrik Andersson08:05:41

ok, ill check what version of the repo i have


That was 12 August 2020! :O

Fredrik Andersson08:05:53

why am i getting this with plugged then?


Yeah that definitely won't be compatible with Neovim 0.7+ because of the breaking changes.


I would guess because there's a rogue old copy of conjure somewhere in your path that's loading first, like my colleague


Maybe one manually cloned


Or plugged is configured to fetch that version for some reason


With a tag maybe?

Fredrik Andersson08:05:59

sorry i messed up


Computers are hard, it's no problem :D I hope it's fixed!

Fredrik Andersson08:05:33

now it works 🙂


Yay! What was it in the end? Just a pinned version or something?

Fredrik Andersson10:05:13

Yes that was it :man-facepalming:


Has anybody done any “emacs lisp” style scratch buffer setup? Was thinking of doing a keymapping to open a Lisp Scratch Buffer, or something like that… Maybe just straight Fennel as the language type to start with…


not exactly lisp scratch buffer, I have a command to create scratch buffer with specified suffix, it creates a temporary file with the suffix in neovim temporary folder. I can call :Scratch .fnl or :Scratch .clj to have a buffer with lisp


I have something similar, but as a shell function that generates a random temp filename and opens it in Vim. Not exactly the same, but similar idea