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Ben Sless13:12:04

Anyone have an idea why my spacemacs stopped popping to results buffers? Did something with window.el change, perhaps?


Do you mean like Cider test report buffer? Or is this some sort of evaluation related buffer Assuming a package update and Spacemacs update (pull) before this issue occured Nothing jumps out at me from the Spacemacs commit history that seems related, could be a change in a package itself

Ben Sless15:12:34

for example, cider eval pprint last sexp opens the *cider-result* buffer but it doesn't pop into view


I've updated Spacemacs itself (without updating packages) and the eval pprint functions open in a *cider-result* buffer. I'll try update the 103 packages next :))


I still get a *cider-result* buffer after updating to all the latest packages, pulling the latest Spacemacs code and updating Spacemacs configuration from template. I didnt see a config variable that could be set to change this behaviour. If its not fixed by an Emacs restart or Spacemacs update, then maybe #C0617A8PQ has ideas

Ben Sless19:12:02

I recompiled Emacs and it behaves, now

👍 1
Drew Verlee16:12:27

my setup always goes to the cider error buffer even though i told it not to.