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Eugene Tyurin03:12:59

does anybody have Conjure working inside AstroNVim?


+1 Following with interest. (Because I right now have the same question for LunarVim which I just started using a bit. After adding conjure to the plugins list it installs but keybindings are not working out of the box. I don't know yet how define a localleader "the right way" using LunarVim config.)


@U012XDRMY6T Where are you at currently? Is the plugin added and does it seem to load? And then what doesn't work?


Basically, I have tried most functions successfully by running manually :ConjureSomeCommand in Command mode, so I think it's all fine and it is just a keybinding issue at the moment. (again, Lunarvim is the base config here) If I understand correctly, Conjure is normally supposed to automatically map a bunch of commands such as: <localleader>ef and so on... is that right?

Eugene Tyurin18:12:01

@Gunnar - I've abandoned AstronNVim, but I have LunarVim seemingly working with these additions: vim.g.maplocalleader = ","


Oh awesome. I didn't yet catch there should be a ".g" there. Thanks - so you helped me instead then! 🙂


I should try it first before rejoicing though 🙂

Eugene Tyurin18:12:05

-- -- Additional Plugins <> lvim.plugins = { { "PaterJason/cmp-conjure" }, { "Olical/conjure", event = "BufRead", -- cmd = "Conjure", }, -- { -- "folke/trouble.nvim", -- cmd = "TroubleToggle", -- }, }

Eugene Tyurin18:12:36

There is also a config I stumbled upon that I like a lot:

👍 1

After mapping localleader is it ,ef for evaluate file?


OK... so I should read the docs. Now I have... and fixed mistakes. Thanks @U012XDRMY6T everything's working now!

👍 1
Eugene Tyurin18:12:36

There is also a config I stumbled upon that I like a lot:

👍 1