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Woah, so obviously Cherry/Squint were made to integrate better with JS ecosystem But whole different feel to see Clojurescript transpiled via a Webpack build process with same ease as Typescript! First time I tried it I used bb compile approach in examples so didn’t consider this was possible. But giving it a go now, amazing that it can be integrated into any build tool


I had to transpile cherry to commonjs to fix import issue and nextjs react refresh isn’t being picked up but page renders so that’s reassuring


@alidcastano > I had to transpile cherry to commonjs to fix import issue cherry supports es6 with the assumption that JS tools also understand es6 - sad to hear you had to go via commonjs


code is run in a webpack loader before build time, so does not seem to be supported but nbd atm happy it worked at all!


just got it fully working (with refresh) enabling nextjs new swc build runtime 🙂