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I think I need some help on cider for clojurescript (shadow-cljs). It once worked but somehow it doesn't anymore. I am able to do cider-jack-in-cljs and then shadow and my app is opened in the browser (cider asks me y or n), but the REPL doesn't work at all. When I type a primitive value like 123 and then I enter, then no response. Does anyone have a clue?


And my set up is really basic.

{:source-paths ["src/cljs" "src/cljc" "test/cljs" "test/cljc"]
 :dependencies [[cider/cider-nrepl "0.28.7"]
                [cljs-ajax "0.8.4"]
                [reagent "1.1.1"]]
 :dev-http {8000 "resources/public"}
 :builds {:frontend {:target :browser
                     :output-dir "resources/public/js"
                     :asset-path "/js/compiled"
                     :modules {:main {:entries [pet.frontend.core]
                                      :init-fn pet.frontend.core/run}}}}}


Did you try C+RET?

💯 1

Oh, lol, it works. I didn't know about c+ret. what a silly question it was. 😅


you probably have the latest paredit and it breaks cider somehow.


I see. And right, I installed my emacs configs today.


we touched on this earlier

👍 1

Is anyone aware of a mode or setting that will make backward-word (`M-<left-arrow>`) treat non-alphanumeric Clojure symbols as words? To illustrate, with | indicating point: (foo (bar| baz)) -> (foo (|bar baz)) (correct behavior) (foo (->| baz)) -> (|foo (-> baz)) (wrong IMO)


it works the 'correct' way for me. I don't remember if I had to do something for it to happen googling emacs "backward-word" word definition returns plenty of results. It appears to be related to the "syntax table". clojure-mode should provide a high-quality one?


My emacs works like yours @U060QM7AA, I have a pretty stock newish install.


hmmm … I do have clojure-mode and haven’t done anything to defeat it that I know of. Interesting vemv! Thanks for the data point.


Not sure this is what you’re asking for, but I tend to use backward-sexp a lot. Bound to C-M-b on my machine


Where this really bites me is with paredit-backward-kill-word, where it actually skips over the previous non-alpha symbol to kill the preceding word: (foo (->| baz)) -> (|(-> baz)) A little surprisingly to me, there doesn’t appear to be a paredit-backward-kill-sexp … that would solve my main problem