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Tyler Nisonoff00:12:53

just tried updating fulcro-rad-datomic and getting

#error{:cause "No such var: d/index-pull",
       :via [{:type clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException,
              :message "Syntax error compiling at (com/fulcrologic/rad/database_adapters/datomic.clj:465:1).",
also got:
WARNING: requiring-resolve already refers to: #'clojure.core/requiring-resolve in namespace: datomic.common, being replaced by: #'datomic.common/requiring-resolve
Not sure if related Notably, im trying to just use datomic-cloud, and I’m not requiring database-adapters.datomic in my codebase AFAICT

Tyler Nisonoff02:12:08

downgrading to 1.1.0 fixed things for now


That's strange. Only datomic free, and older versions are missing index pull

Jake Murphy16:12:23

Based on the form state demo in the developer's guide book, I understand that fs/add-form-config* is initializing the sub form state. But if the sub form component is a union component like the one in section 7.3 (Unions), it does not initialize the sub-form state when I call fs/add-form-config* on the parent form ident. Is there support for this situation? Am I missing something in the union component that would tell fulcro to look for a sub form in the union component? Does anyone have a suggested workaround if this situation is not covered? Thanks.


you’d have to initialize with the element of the union, not the union


A thing can only be one kind of thing….how is it supposed to guess?


That said, I don’t think I’ve tried using the other bits of form-state via a union


so that may be an un-covered case

Jake Murphy20:12:39

Thanks. I thought that it could use the ident fn, but that is for the query, not the component. So it would need another way of determining form component in order to determine sub form fields...