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I got this to work in the end by hacking together a two-parameter version of reitit.http.coercion/coerce-exceptions-interceptor which returns what i wanted but that doesn't seem like what the official answer ought to be. The arity exception makes me think this is a pedestal / sieppari interceptor mismatch but I can't figure out what I was supposed to use
I'd love to do this the right way (and know where to look in the future) so for reference, here's the hack
(defn my-coerce-exceptions-interceptor
"Interceptor for handling coercion exceptions.
Expects a :coercion of type `reitit.coercion/Coercion`
and :parameters or :responses from route data, otherwise does not mount."
{:name ::coerce-exceptions
:compile (fn [{:keys [coercion parameters responses]} _]
(if (and coercion (or parameters responses))
{:error (fn [ctx ex]
(let [data (ex-data (or (:error ctx)
(if-let [status
(case (:type data)
:reitit.coercion/request-coercion 400
:reitit.coercion/response-coercion 500
(let [response
{:status status,
:body nil
#_["coercion error"]
#_(coercion/encode-error data)}]
(-> ctx
(assoc :response response)
(assoc :error nil)))
@colliderwriter the arity-error is a pedestal/sieppari thing and documented here: