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Ben Lieberman14:09:57

I'm concerned that there's possibly several things wrong with this (namely render-square):

(defn board []
  (let [init (into [] (repeat 9 nil))
        state (r/atom init)
        handler (fn [i] (swap! state assoc i \X))
        render-square (fn [i] [:button
                               {:class-name "square"
                                :on-click handler}
                               (nth @state i)])]
    (fn [] [:div
            [:div {:class-name "status"} "Next player is: " @next-player]
            [:div {:class-name "board-row"}
             ^{:key 1} [render-square 0]
             ^{:key 2} [render-square 1]
             ^{:key 3} [render-square 2]]
            [:div {:class-name "board-row"}
             ^{:key 4} [render-square 3]
             ^{:key 5} [render-square 4]
             ^{:key 6} [render-square 5]]
            [:div {:class-name "board-row"}
             ^{:key 7} [render-square 6]
             ^{:key 8} [render-square 7]
             ^{:key 9} [render-square 8]]]))) 
but I'm confused by this error key to assoc must be a number which is what I get when I click on anything


:on-click handler - the handler will be called with an instance of MouseEvent. You probably want to instead write it as :on-click (fn [_evt] (handler i)).

👀 1

You also don't need the :key metadata there.

Ben Lieberman14:09:18

that works, thanks :face_with_cowboy_hat:

👍 1
Ben Lieberman14:09:52

I confess I'm surprised I can create components inside others as I did with render-square

Ben Lieberman14:09:06

I figured that would be a big no-no


Nah, that's completely fine.

Lone Ranger15:09:07

some days, anything you can get to work is fine 😅


@U03QBKTVA0N Just a quick fyi, even though React uses className you can still just use class in Reagent. You can also use the shortcut syntax of if you like that too. That shortcut also works on id's like :div#my-id as well.