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This seems like it would be a huge upgrade if it does what it says:

👍 1

That would certainly increase the amount of "easy" but I'm not sure if this is sufficiently "simple". For example, wouldn't this make event handlers non-referentially transparent? At the moment they (should) depend on their co-effects as input but this change would also enable a "side-channel" for additional data. Also, does this (or re-frame in general) guarantee that the db in the co-effects is the same db that is used for the subscriptions? I think it would be even better, if we had a subscription api, where you could supply the db as an argument. But I'm sure there's a million different challenges with that.


RE that suggestion:


> That would certainly increase the amount of "easy" but I'm not sure if this is sufficiently "simple". For example, wouldn't this make event handlers non-referentially transparent? Yea that would be a downside. Still seems like a net win to me though.